Published Articles

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The Aqueous Leaf Extract of Moringa Oleifera had Immunomodulatory Effects on Sheep that had Been Infected by Fasciola Gigantica, Clostridium Novyi Naturally and Impact to Fasciola gigantica Non-Embryonated, Mafruchati, Maslichah, and Ismail Wan Irjani Wan , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.304-309, (2023) PDF icon PDF (670.37 KB)
RETRACTED: Human Sperm for Basic Embryo Research And 3D Treatment of Patient-Representative Ovarian Cancer Cells, Mafruchati, Maslichah, and Ismail Wan Irjani Wan , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.626-632, (2023)