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The Miracle of Moringa Oleifera Leaves for the Prevention of Anemia: A Literature Review, Balebu, Dwi Wahyu, Aminuddin Ridwan, Hadju Veni, Arsin Arsunan, Jafar Nurhaedar,, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6s, p.1258-1261, (2023) PDF icon PDF (221.8 KB)
Utilization of Rainwater as Consumable Water with Rainwater Harvesting Methods: A Literature Review, Sakati, Sandy Novryanto, Mallongi Anwar, Ibrahim Erniwati,,, Palutturi Sukri, Kanan Maria, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6s, p.1254-1257, (2023) PDF icon PDF (199.01 KB)