Published Articles

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Apoptosis of The Lens Epithelial Cells After Ultraviolet-B Exposure as a Proposed Pathogenesis of Senile Cataract: Literature Review, Dhiyantari, Ni Putu Ayu R., Hermawan Dicky, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2024, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.989-992, (2024) PDF icon PDF (332.42 KB)
The Protective Effects of UV-blocking Spectacle Lenses and Class 1 UV-blocking Contact Lenses (Senofilcon A) on Superoxide Dismutase-2 and Catalase Expression in Lens Epithelial Cells Following UVB Radiation Exposure: An Experimental Study in Animal Model, Cinthiadewi, Made Dessy Gang,, Firmansjah Muhammad, Legowo Djoko, Dhiyantari Ni Putu Ayu R., and Nurfahri Rifat , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2024, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.785-790, (2024) PDF icon PDF (441.14 KB)