Hyperbaric Oxygen in Animal Model of Diabetes Nephropathy: Analysis of Blood Glucose, Proteinuria and Kidney Tissue Necrosis Cells



Research Design. Description: P: Population. S: Sample. R: Randomization. G0: Control group without streptozotozin induction. G1: Control group induced by streptozotozin. G2: Treatment group induced by streptozotozin and given HBO therapy. O1: Observation on G0. O2: Observation on G1. O3: Observation on G2 post HBO therapy. HBO: Given 100% oxygen therapy at a pressure of 2.4 ATA for 3x30 minutes with a 2x5 minute interval of normal air in a closed room for a period of 5 consecutive days.

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Harnanik T, Sudiarta KE, Napitupulu RP, Nurdianto AR, Darmayanti NK. Hyperbaric Oxygen in Animal Model of Diabetes Nephropathy: Analysis of Blood Glucose, Proteinuria and Kidney Tissue Necrosis Cells. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2024;16(5):1043-1046.PDF icon PDF (427.49 KB)