ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2015,7,3,191-197.Published:09th Mar, 2015Type:Original ArticleFree Radical Scavenging and Cytotoxic Potential of Celosia argenteaRukhsana Abdul Rub, Manohar Janardhan Patil, Areej Abdul Siddiqui, Priyanka Rambhau Ghorpade, and Alpana Subhod Moghe Rukhsana Abdul Rub*1, Manohar Janardhan Patil2, Areej Abdul Siddiqui1, Priyanka Rambhau Ghorpade1, and Alpana Subhod Moghe31,*Department of Pharmacognosy, M.C.E. Society’s Allana College of Pharmacy, Camp, Pune-411001, Maharashtra, India2Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, MMM’s College of Pharmacy, Kalewadi, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India3Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Biotechnology, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra, IndiaAbstract:Keywords:Antioxidant, Brine shrimp, Mitotic index, MTT, Phenolics.