ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2021,13,5,1242-1247.DOI:10.5530/pj.2021.13.157Published:September 2021Type:Research ArticleMicrowave-Assisted Extraction and Identification of γ- Oryzanol from Rice Bran (Oryza sativa L. cv Ciliwung)Maryono, Netti Herawati, Meuthia Aulia Farhani Gaffar, Sartini, Aliyah, and Elly Wahyudin Maryono1,*, Netti Herawati1, Meuthia Aulia Farhani Gaffar1, Sartini2, Aliyah2, Elly Wahyudin2 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Makassar State University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, INDONESIA. 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, INDONESIA. Abstract:Rice Bran (Oryza sativa L. cv Cilliwung) is a by-product of the rice milling process, consisting of an outer layer of rice grains with the whole seed institute. Rice bran oil is a result of rice bran extraction. Rice bran oil contains antioxidant compounds, one of which is oryzanol, so this study aims to determine the levels of or-oryzanol in rice bran. The stages of the research included sample preparation, extraction using Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE), followed by Vacuum Liquid Column Chromatography (VLCC) was extracted using the MAE method produced 30 mL of black-brown rice bran oil extract. A total of 8 grams of rice bran extract was obtained at VLCC using eluent (n-hexane: ethyl acetate) with ratios 9:1, 7:3, and 1:1, respectively. Then the five factions obtained were characterized using HPLC, and GC/MS identified the mass of the γ-oryzanol compound. Keywords:Microwave assisted extraction, Rice Bran (Oryza sativa L. cv Cilliwung), Secondary metabolite, γ- OryzanolView:PDF (1.05 MB) PDF Images The fraction from rice bran extract ‹ Phytochemical Screening and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of the Organic Extracts from Cleoserrata serrata (Jacq.) Iltis. up Antimicrobial Efficacy, Cytotoxicity, Acute Oral Toxicity, and Phytochemical Investigation of the Aqueous and Methanolic Stem Bark Extracts of Bridellia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill ›