ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2023,15,2,294-297.DOI:10.5530/pj.2023.15.42Published:April 2023Type:Original Article Relationship Between Individual Characteristics and the Risk of Exposure to Heat Stress in Indonesian FishermenPutri Ayuni Alayyannur, Dani Nasirul Haqi, Fatimatuz Zahroh, Tazkia Azrielda Munib, Moh. Malik Alhakim, and Diah Pramesthi Ningrum Putri Ayuni Alayyannur1,*, Dani Nasirul Haqi1, Fatimatuz Zahroh2, Tazkia Azrielda Munib2, Moh. Malik Alhakim3, Diah Pramesthi Ningrum4 1Lecturer of Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Campus C, Mulyorejo, 60115, Surabaya, East Java, INDONESIA. 2Student of Bachelor Degree, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Campus C, Mulyorejo, 60115, Surabaya, East Java, INDONESIA. 3Student of Bachelor Degree, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Airlangga, Campus A, Mayjen Prof. Dr. Moestopo Street No.47, 60132, Surabaya, East Java, INDONESIA. 4Employee of Health Office of Tapin District, Pembangunan Street No. 14, 71111, North Tapin, Tapin, South Kalimantan, INDONESIA. Abstract:Background: Fishermen who go to sea during the day are classified as informal sector jobs that have heavy activities and are at risk of becoming dehydrated because the work climate is in a hot environment due to exposure to sunlight. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics and the risk of heat stress exposure to fishermen in Surabaya Coastal Area. Materials and Methods: This research is a cross sectional study with a sample of 100 people using accidental sampling technique. The research was conducted in the Surabaya Coastal Area from February to June 2022. The variables of this study include age, exercise habits, water drinking consumption, and risk of heat stress. The relationship analysis test used Spearman correlation and chi square. Results: Based on cross tabulation, the age interval that experienced the most heat stress was 41-50 years of age, followed by 51-60 years of age group. Respondents who exercise more are at risk of heat stress than respondents who do not exercise. Workers who consume 1-2 liters of water per day are the group that has the highest risk of heat stress. Conclusion: No one variable has a relationship with the risk of heat stress exposure to fishermen in Surabaya, but it is still important to increase the consumption of fisherman's water and doing exercise habits among fishermen in Surabaya. Keywords:Age, Exercise Habits, Heat Stress, Water Drinking Consumption.View:PDF (1010.96 KB) PDF Images Graphical Abstract ‹ The Effect of Preconcenption Moringa Leaf Extract Supplementation on Cotinine Serum Levels in Pregnant Women Exposed to Tobacco Smoke up Another Mode of Action of Temephos Against Aedes aegypti Larvae: A Stomach Poison Investigation ›