ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2018,10,5,1042-1046.DOI:10.5530/pj.2018.5.176Published:August 2018Type:Original ArticlePharmacognostical Study of Ixora coccinea FlowerBindu Gopalkrishnan, and Roy Chiranjeev Bindu Gopalkrishnan*, Roy Chiranjeev Department of Botany, Mithibai College, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai -56, Maharashtra, INDIA.Abstract:Introduction: The medicinal values of Ixora coccinea Linn. (Raktaka) has been recorded since ancient times. It belongs to family Rubiaceae. The roots and leaves are used in treating various ailments. The flower too has therapeutic potentials. Although the flowers are used as medicine by traditional healers it is not known too many. The current study is carried out to provide scientific details in the identification and the authenticity of I. coccinea Linn. floral parts with the help of pharmacognostical standards. Methods: Pharmacognosy of Ixora coccinea flower parts was carried out by macroscopy, microscopy, histochemistry, powder study, proximate analysis and preliminary phytochemical studies. Results: The macroscopic detail of the flower is calyx persistent; corolla scarlet orange with long corolla tube; the stamen alternipetalous and gynoecium bicarpellary with basal placentation. The transverse section of flower passing through corolla, corolla tube, calyx and ovary showed the presence of unicellular trichomes, cells of anthocyanin pigments, oil globules, calcium oxalate crystals and paracytic stomata. Powder microscopy showed the presence of oil globules, calcium oxalate crystals, anthocyanin pigments, starch grains, unicellular trichomes, stomata, vessels etc. Physicochemical studies revealed total ash (3.1%), acid insoluble ash (0.2%), water soluble ash (1.25%), alcohol soluble extractive value (11.25%) and water soluble extractive value (12%) respectively. Histochemistry and Preliminary phytochemical screening goes concurrent with the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, etc. Conclusion: The observations confirmed that in Ixora coccinea each floral whorl has its diagnostic characters. These will help in identification, authenticity and to put forth the pharmacopoeial standards of the said plant. Keywords:Flower, Ixora coccinea, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacopeia, Raktaka, RubiaceaeView:PDF (970.03 KB) PDF Images Graphical Abstract ‹ Isolation and Characterization of Flavones from Artemisia monosperma up