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GC-MS Analysis of Volatiles Present in Pappea Capensis Extracts, PM, Makhoahle , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.948-954, (2022) PDF icon PDF (340.36 KB)
Green and Optimum Extraction of Total Polyphenols Content from Mitragyna speciosa Korth. Havil Leaves using Microwave- Assisted Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent Extraction, Prabowo, Wisnu Cahyo, Agustina Risna, Nur Yuspian, Hidayati Ramila, Rahmawati Dewi, Arifuddin M., Ambarwati Neneng Siti Silfi, Purwoko Reza Yuridian, Mun’im Abdul, and Ahmad Islamudin , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.29-38, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.47 MB)
Green and Optimum Extraction of Total Polyphenols Content from Mitragyna speciosa Korth. Havil Leaves using Microwave- Assisted Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent Extraction, Prabowo, Wisnu Cahyo, Agustina Risna, Nur Yuspian, Hidayati Ramila, Rahmawati Dewi, Arifuddin M., Ambarwati Neneng Siti Silfi, Purwoko Reza Yuridian, Mun’im Abdul, and Ahmad Islamudin , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.29-38, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.47 MB)
Histopathological Perspectives of Multiple Organs in a Red- Footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) with Suspected Metabolic Bone Disease: A Case Report, Plumeriastuti, Hani, Proboningrat Annise, Legowo Djoko, Putra Bilqisthi Ari, H Gracia Angelina, and Achmad Agung Budianto , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.1075-1078, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.81 MB)
Histopathological Perspectives of Multiple Organs in a Red- Footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) with Suspected Metabolic Bone Disease: A Case Report, Plumeriastuti, Hani, Proboningrat Annise, Legowo Djoko, Putra Bilqisthi Ari, H Gracia Angelina, and Achmad Agung Budianto , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.1075-1078, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.81 MB)
Histopathological Perspectives of Multiple Organs in a Red- Footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) with Suspected Metabolic Bone Disease: A Case Report, Plumeriastuti, Hani, Proboningrat Annise, Legowo Djoko, Putra Bilqisthi Ari, H Gracia Angelina, and Achmad Agung Budianto , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.1075-1078, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.81 MB)
In Silico Analysis and ADMET Prediction of Flavonoid Compounds from Syzigium cumini var. album on α-Glucosidase Receptor for Searching Anti-Diabetic Drug Candidates, Andhiarto, Yanu,, Praditapuspa Ersanda Nurma, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.736-743, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.46 MB)
In Silico Phytochemical Compounds Screening of Allium sativum Targeting the Mpro of SARS-CoV-2, Listiyani, Priscilla, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Ansori Arif Nur Muhamm, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Probojati Rasyadan Taufiq, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, Ullah Md. Emdad, Jakhmola Vikash, and Zainul Rahadian , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.604-609, (2022) PDF icon PDF (586.36 KB)
In Silico Screening of Bioactive Compounds from Garcinia mangostana L. Against SARS-CoV-2 via Tetra Inhibitors, Aini, Nur Sofiatul, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Probojati Rasyadan Taufiq, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, Tamam Muhammad Badrut, Jakhmola Vikash, Yuniarti Elsa, Aziz Saddam Al, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.575-579, (2022) PDF icon PDF (544.18 KB)
In Silico Screening of Bioactive Compounds from Garcinia mangostana L. Against SARS-CoV-2 via Tetra Inhibitors, Aini, Nur Sofiatul, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Probojati Rasyadan Taufiq, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, Tamam Muhammad Badrut, Jakhmola Vikash, Yuniarti Elsa, Aziz Saddam Al, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.575-579, (2022) PDF icon PDF (544.18 KB)
In Silico Screening of Bioactive Compounds from Syzygium cumini L. and Moringa oleifera L. Against SARS-CoV-2 via Tetra Inhibitors, Aini, Nur Sofiatul, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Probojati Rasyadan Taufiq, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, Tamam Muhammad Badrut, Jakhmola Vikash, Sari Devni Prima, Albari Muhammad Thoriq, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2022, Volume 14, Issue 4, p.267-272, (2022) PDF icon PDF (539.72 KB)
In Silico Screening of Bioactive Compounds from Syzygium cumini L. and Moringa oleifera L. Against SARS-CoV-2 via Tetra Inhibitors, Aini, Nur Sofiatul, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Probojati Rasyadan Taufiq, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, Tamam Muhammad Badrut, Jakhmola Vikash, Sari Devni Prima, Albari Muhammad Thoriq, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2022, Volume 14, Issue 4, p.267-272, (2022) PDF icon PDF (539.72 KB)
In Silico Studies of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Vernonia amygdalina Delile on the Expression of EGFR and VEGFR as a New Anticancer Potential, Nerdy, N, Lestari P, Fahdi F, Putra EDL, Amir SAB, Yusuf F, and Bakri TK , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.91-97, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.11 MB)
In Silico Study of Entry Inhibitor from Moringa oleifera Bioactive Compounds against SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Mawaddani, Nala, Sutiyanti Ekris, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, Tamam Muhammad Badrut, Jakhmola Vikash,, Fajri Bayu Ramadhani, Ghifari Muhammad Raffi, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.565-574, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.58 MB)
In Silico Study of Naringenin as Melanogenesis Inducer in Vitiligo, Ardiana, Dian, Dewi Lestari, and Prameswari Renata , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.847-857, (2022) PDF icon PDF (698.42 KB)
In Silico Study of the Potential of Endemic Sumatra Wild Turmeric Rhizomes (Curcuma Sumatrana: Zingiberaceae) As Anti-Cancer, Rahman, Aldi Tamara,, Jethro Aiken, Santoso Putra, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Purnamasari Devi, Soekamto Nunuk Hariani, Ansori ANM,, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.806-812, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.26 MB)
In Silico Study of the Potential of Endemic Sumatra Wild Turmeric Rhizomes (Curcuma Sumatrana: Zingiberaceae) As Anti-Cancer, Rahman, Aldi Tamara,, Jethro Aiken, Santoso Putra, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Purnamasari Devi, Soekamto Nunuk Hariani, Ansori ANM,, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.806-812, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.26 MB)
An In Silico Study to Explore the Role of EGFR in Ovarian Cancer, Jakhmola, Vikash, Parashar Tarun, Ghildiyal Pallavi, Ansori ANM, Sharma Rajeev Kumar, Rao N. G. Raghave, Kalra Kapil, Singh Nishan, Nainwal Nidhi, Singh Rajeev Kumar, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.817-821, (2022) PDF icon PDF (461.56 KB)
In vitro Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities as well as Phytochemical Content of the Fresh Stem Juice from Montrichardia arborescens Schott (Araceae), Mans, Dennis R. A., Friperson Priscilla, Djotaroeno Meryll, Misser Vinoj Sewberath, and Pawirodihardjo Jennifer , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2022, Volume 14, Issue 4, p.296-304, (2022) PDF icon PDF (364.27 KB)
In Vivo Studies of Combined Probiotics on IFN-γ, Ig-E and Bronchial Muscular Layer of Rats with Allergic Asthma, Pujiati, Pujiati,, Indarto Dono, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.598-603, (2022) PDF icon PDF (578.4 KB)
Isolation and Characterization of Neuroglobin and The Reducing Enzyme Metneuroglobin (Neuroglobin Fe3+) From Bovine Brain Tissue, Mudjihartini, Ninik, Purba Dewi Pratiwi, Fadilah Fadilah, Sadikin Mohammad, and Jusman Sri Widia A. , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.504-510, (2022) PDF icon PDF (971.2 KB)
Kaempferia galanga L. Extract Administration Attenuate Aquaporin-4 Expression in Traumatic Brain Injury: An Experimental Study in Rats, Niantiarno, Fajar Herbowo, Turchan Agus, Adianti Myrna, Utomo Budi, Parenrengi Muhammad Arifin, and Bajamal Abdul Hafid , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.893-897, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.23 MB)
Molecular Docking Estrogen Receptor Alpha Antagonist and P53- MDM2 Inhibitor, ADMET Prediction of Alkaloid Compound from Mitragyna speciosa for Breast Cancer Therapy, Priatna, Puja Adi, Pratama Rizki Rahmadi, Widyowati Retno, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.912-916, (2022) PDF icon PDF (827.57 KB)
Molecular Docking Estrogen Receptor Alpha Antagonist and P53- MDM2 Inhibitor, ADMET Prediction of Alkaloid Compound from Mitragyna speciosa for Breast Cancer Therapy, Priatna, Puja Adi, Pratama Rizki Rahmadi, Widyowati Retno, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.912-916, (2022) PDF icon PDF (827.57 KB)
Nano Transdermal Delivery Potential of Fucoidan from Sargassum sp. (Brown Algae) as Chemoprevention Agent for Breast Cancer Treatment, Hamami, Syeftyan Muhammad A., Fai Michelle, Aththar Ahmad Fariduddin, M Zakaria Nizam Zulfi, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Tamam Muhammad Badrut, Jakhmola Vikash, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Turista Dora Dayu Rahma, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.789-795, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1019.1 KB)
