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Pharmacognostic Studies on the Root of Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq., Acharyya, Suman, Padhy Ranjan, and Dash Santosh Kumar , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.973-978, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.87 MB)
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Screening of some Plant Derived Medicine to Treat Dysmenorrheal Pain by the Rajbanshi Community, Roy, Priyankar, Mandal Palash, Panda Subhasis, Roy Sonia Mitra, and Subba Arunika , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.738-746, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.7 MB)
Pharmacognosy, Phytochemical Study and Antioxidant Activity of Sterculia rubiginosa Zoll. Ex Miq. Leaves, Prastiwi, Rini, Elya Berna, Sauriasari Rani, Hanafi Muhammad, and Dewanti Ema , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.571-575, (2018) PDF icon PDF (548.47 KB)
Phytochemical Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Propolis Ethanolic Extract from Tetragonula Bee, Pratami, Diah Kartika, Mun’im Abdul, Sundowo Andini, and Sahlan Muhamad , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.128-135, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.18 MB)
Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Studies in Leaf Extracts of Indigofera aspalathoides (Vahl.), Kumar, Tamilarasan Tamil, Salique Seeni Mohamed, Ilyas Mohamed Hussain Mu, Thajuddin Nooruddin, Panneerselvam Annamalai, Padusha Mohamed Khan Syed, and Jahangir Hussain Syed , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1208-1215, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.33 MB)
Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Studies in Leaf Extracts of Indigofera aspalathoides (Vahl.), Kumar, Tamilarasan Tamil, Salique Seeni Mohamed, Ilyas Mohamed Hussain Mu, Thajuddin Nooruddin, Panneerselvam Annamalai, Padusha Mohamed Khan Syed, and Jahangir Hussain Syed , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1208-1215, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.33 MB)
Phytochemical Test and Cytotoxic Activity of Macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii against Cervical HeLa Cells, Arsianti, Ade, Aziza Yully Astika Nug, Kurniasari Kartika Dwi, Mandasari Baiq Kirana Dya, Masita Riathul, Zulfa Futihati Ruhama, Dewi Micheylla Kusumaning, Zagloel Cut Raisya Zah, Azizah Norma Nur, and Putrianingsih Rista , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.1012-1017, (2018) PDF icon PDF (844.2 KB)
A Review on Phytochemical and Pharmacological Potential of Alpinia galanga, Chouni, Anirban, and Paul Santanu , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.09-15, (2018) PDF icon PDF (793.06 KB)
A Review on Phytopharmacopial Potential of Epilobium angustifolium, Kadam, Prasad, Patil Manohar, and Yadav Kavita , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1076-1078, (2018) PDF icon PDF (240.9 KB)
Simultaneous Quantification of Bioactive Triterpene acids (Ursolic acid and Oleanolic acid) in Different Extracts of Eucalyptus globulus (L) by HPTLC Method, Gupta, Arti, Maheta Pooja, Chauhan Renu, Pandey Sonia, Yadav Jitendra Singh, and Shah Shailesh , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.179-185, (2018) PDF icon PDF (617.21 KB)
Structural Elucidation of Peanut, Sunflower and Gingelly Oils by Using FTIR and 1H NMR Spectroscopy, Bathini, Veeraprakash, Kalakandan Suresh Kumar, Pakkirisamy Muthukumaran, and Ravichandran Karthikeyen , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.753-757, (2018) PDF icon PDF (431.08 KB)
Studies on Positive and Negative ionization mode of ESI-LC-MS/ MS for screening of Phytochemicals on Cassia auriculata (Aavaram Poo), Ramakrishnan, Paranthaman, Kalakandan Sureshkumar, and Pakkirisamy Muthukumaran , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.457-462, (2018) PDF icon PDF (767.35 KB)
ACE Inhibitory Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Pereskia saccharose Griseb. Leaves Extract, Lusiyanti, Sarlina Jihan,,, Puspitasari Nuraini, and Mahayasih Putu Gita Maya , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.285-287, (2017) PDF icon PDF (242.64 KB)
Anti-hyperglycemic and Anti-hyperlipidemic Effects of Extract from Houttuynia cordata Thumb. in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats, Poolsil, Patcharee, Promprom Wilawan, and Talubmook Chusri , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2017 , Volume 9, Issue 3, p.382-387, (2017) PDF icon PDF (377.33 KB)
Anti-hyperglycemic and Anti-hyperlipidemic Effects of Extract from Houttuynia cordata Thumb. in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats, Poolsil, Patcharee, Promprom Wilawan, and Talubmook Chusri , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2017 , Volume 9, Issue 3, p.382-387, (2017) PDF icon PDF (377.33 KB)
Antioxidant Activity and Lipoxygenase Enzyme Inhibitory Assay with Total Flavonoids Content from Garcinia hombroniana Pierre Stem Bark Extract, Listiyani, Amanda, Elya Berna, and Puspitasari Nuraini , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.276-279, (2017) PDF icon PDF (301.37 KB)
Antioxidant Activity and Lipoxygenase Inhibition Test with Total Flavonoid Content from Garcinia kydia Roxburgh Leaves Extract, Putri, Nur Laily, Elya Berna, and Puspitasari Nuraini , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.280-284, (2017) PDF icon PDF (394.08 KB)
Antioxidant Activity and Lipoxygenase Inhibition Test with Total Flavonoid Content from Garcinia kydia Roxburgh Leaves Extract, Putri, Nur Laily, Elya Berna, and Puspitasari Nuraini , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.280-284, (2017) PDF icon PDF (394.08 KB)
Ashwagandha Root Extract Inhibits Acetylcholine Esterase, Protein Modification and Ameliorates H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Lymphocytes, Pal, Ajay, Kumar Kandikattu Hemanth, Bhushan Bharat, and Saharan Vinod , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2017 , Volume 9, Issue 3, p.302-309, (2017) PDF icon PDF (696.66 KB)
Chemo-profiling, Antioxidant Potential and Ionomic Analysis of Cichorium intybus L., Malik, Bisma, Pirzadah Tanveer Bilal, Tahir Inayatullah, and Rehman Reiaz Ul , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.917-928, (2017) PDF icon PDF (1.31 MB)
Cytotoxic Activity of Antioxidant-Riched Dendrobium longicornu, Paudel, Mukti R., Chand Mukesh B., Pant Basant, and Pant Bijaya , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.499-503, (2017) PDF icon PDF (657.29 KB)
Cytotoxic Activity of Antioxidant-Riched Dendrobium longicornu, Paudel, Mukti R., Chand Mukesh B., Pant Basant, and Pant Bijaya , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.499-503, (2017) PDF icon PDF (657.29 KB)
Cytotoxic Activity of Antioxidant-Riched Dendrobium longicornu, Paudel, Mukti R., Chand Mukesh B., Pant Basant, and Pant Bijaya , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.499-503, (2017) PDF icon PDF (657.29 KB)
Distribution, Ethnobotany, Pharmacognosy and Phytoconstituents of Coptis teeta Wall.: A Highly Valued and Threatened Medicinal Plant of Eastern Himalayas, Payum, Temin , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6s, p.s28-s34, (2017) PDF icon PDF (2.53 MB)
Evaluation of in vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Simarouba glauca Leaf Extracts on T-24 Bladder Cancer Cell Line, Puranik, Sridevi I., Ghagane Shridhar C., Nerli Rajendra B., Jalalpure Sunil S., and Hiremath Murigendra B. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.906-912, (2017) PDF icon PDF (1.09 MB)
