Published Articles

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Anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities of methanolic extract of Anthemis scrobicularis herbs, Yusufoglu, Hasan S., Alam Aftab, Salkini Mohamad Ayman A., and Zaghloul Ahmed M. , Pharmacognosy journal, 8th April 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.55-61, (2014)
Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of roots extracts from Actinidia arguta ( Zucc.) Planch, ,, and Zhang Hai-Feng , Pharmacognosy Journal, 18th Feb,2014, Volume 6, Issue 2, p.80-86, (2014)
The Effects of Topical Carvacrol Application on Wound Healing Process in Male Rats, Gunal, Mehmet Y.,, and Zaloglu Nezahat , Pharmacognosy journal, 8th April 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.10-13, (2014)
Pharmacognostic study of root of Combretum albidum G. Don, Zalke, Ashish S., Duraiswamy B., and Gandagule Upendra B. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 18th Feb,2014, Volume 6, Issue 1, p.28-33, (2014)
Hepatoprotective effect of Quail egg against carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced hepatic damage in albino rats, Umar, Dandare Shamsudeen, Muhammad Bawa, Zubairu Wasagu Ibrahim, and Faruk Magaji Umar , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.102-106, (2015) PDF icon PDF (866.9 KB)
Hepatoprotective Effect of Quail Egg Against Carbontetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Hepatic Damage in Albino Rats, Umar, Dandare Shamsudeen, Muhammad Bawa, Zubairu Wasagu Ibrahim, and Faruk Magaji Umar , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Dec, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.102-106, (2015)
Quantitative Determination and Variation Tendencies of Flavonoids in Five Selaginella Plant Drugs, Long, Weifang, Ding Qi, Chen Yujie, Hu Jiqing, Li Luyang, Zhang Fei, and Wan Dingrong , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.378-382, (2015) PDF icon PDF (577.63 KB)
Chemical Profile and Biological Activities of Essential oil of Aerial parts of Artemisia monosperma Del. Growing in Libya, Zalabani, Soheir Mohamed El, Tadros Soad Hanna, Sayed Abeer Mohamed El, Daboub Areej Almaktouf, and Sleem Amany Amen , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.578-586, (2017) PDF icon PDF (495.34 KB)
Cytotoxicity Effect and Morphological Study of Different Duku(Lansium domesticum corr.) Extract towards Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cells Line (HT-29), Khalili, Rohin Mohd Adzim, Noratiqah Jumli Mimie, Norhaslinda Ridzwan, Norhayati Abd Hadi, Amin Baig Atif, Roslan Arshad, and A. Zubaidi Latif Ahmad , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.757-761, (2017) PDF icon PDF (825.29 KB)
Inhibition of Alpha-Glucosidase and Antioxidant Test of Stem Bark Extracts of Garcinia fruticosa Lauterb, Zahratunnisa, Nusaibah, Elya Berna, and Noviani Arikadia , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.273-275, (2017) PDF icon PDF (208.66 KB)
Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activities of Sponges Collected off the Coast of Togean Islands, Indonesia, Zubair, Muhammad Sulaiman, Lallo Subehan, Putra Masteria Yunovilsa, Hadi Tri Aryono, and Jantan Ibrahim , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.988-992, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.07 MB)
Anti-inflammatory Activity of Methanolic Extract from Pistacia atlantica Desf. Leaves, Amri, Oukacha, Zekhnini Abderrahmane, Bouhaimi Abdellah, Tahrouch Saida, and Hatimi Abdelhakim , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.71-76, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.06 MB)
Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Content and Total Flavonoid Content of Water and Methanol Extracts of Phyllanthus species from Malaysia, Zain, Siti Nur Dalila, and Omar Wan Adnan Wan , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.677-681, (2018) PDF icon PDF (290.6 KB)
In vitro Evaluation of Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa for Cytotoxic Activity against Cervical HeLa Cells, Dewi, Micheylla Kusumaning, Arsianti Ade, Zagloel Cut Raisya Zah, Aziza Yully Astika Nug, Kurniasari Kartika Dwi, Mandasari Baiq Kirana Dya, Masita Riathul, Zulfa Futihati Ruhama, Azizah Norma Nur, and Putrianingsih Rista , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.1007-1011, (2018) PDF icon PDF (621.13 KB)
In vitro Evaluation of Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa for Cytotoxic Activity against Cervical HeLa Cells, Dewi, Micheylla Kusumaning, Arsianti Ade, Zagloel Cut Raisya Zah, Aziza Yully Astika Nug, Kurniasari Kartika Dwi, Mandasari Baiq Kirana Dya, Masita Riathul, Zulfa Futihati Ruhama, Azizah Norma Nur, and Putrianingsih Rista , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.1007-1011, (2018) PDF icon PDF (621.13 KB)
In-vitro Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity and Anti-collagenase Activity of Thalassia hempricii as a Potent Ingredients for Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetics, Zakiah, Kiki, Anwar Effionora, and Nurhayati Tati , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.778-782, (2018) PDF icon PDF (414.18 KB)
Isolation, Characterization and in vitro Pharmacological Activities of Tagetes Erectus Linn, S, Resmi, Nair Divya V., Subhash Athulya, Jose Rose, V Vishnu, and Zachariah Subin Mary , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.384-393, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.45 MB)
Phytochemical Test and Cytotoxic Activity of Macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii against Cervical HeLa Cells, Arsianti, Ade, Aziza Yully Astika Nug, Kurniasari Kartika Dwi, Mandasari Baiq Kirana Dya, Masita Riathul, Zulfa Futihati Ruhama, Dewi Micheylla Kusumaning, Zagloel Cut Raisya Zah, Azizah Norma Nur, and Putrianingsih Rista , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.1012-1017, (2018) PDF icon PDF (844.2 KB)
Phytochemical Test and Cytotoxic Activity of Macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii against Cervical HeLa Cells, Arsianti, Ade, Aziza Yully Astika Nug, Kurniasari Kartika Dwi, Mandasari Baiq Kirana Dya, Masita Riathul, Zulfa Futihati Ruhama, Dewi Micheylla Kusumaning, Zagloel Cut Raisya Zah, Azizah Norma Nur, and Putrianingsih Rista , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.1012-1017, (2018) PDF icon PDF (844.2 KB)
Preliminary of Pharmacokinetics Study of Brown Seaweed (Turbinaria decurrens Bory) Extract in Colon Cancer Model Mice Induced by AOM (Azoxymethane) and DSS (Dextran Sodium Sulphate), Qurrota’Ayun, Nurul, Zakaria Astria Deviyani, and Bahtiar Anton , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.567-570., (2018) PDF icon PDF (598.13 KB)
Therapeutic Index of Methanolic Extracts of Three Malaysian Phyllanthus Species on MCF-7 and MCF-10A Cell Lines, Omar, Wan Adnan Wan, and Zain Siti Nur Dalila , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s30-s32, (2018) PDF icon PDF (212.85 KB)
Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid, Quercetin Content and Antioxidant Activity of Standardized Extract of Moringa oleifera Leaf from Regions with Different Elevation, Sulastri, Evi, Zubair Muhammad Sulaiman, Anas Nurafni Israyanti, Abidin Syakila, Hardani Ririen, Yulianti Risfah, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s104-s108, (2018) PDF icon PDF (665.57 KB)
Antidepressant-Like Effects of Dracocephalum moldavica L. in Mouse Models of Immobility Tests, Zuniga, Marcos Ignacio Ji, Mariles Alejandro Jonathan H., Flores Jose Luis Castr, Herrera Jose Antonio Mo, Sotelo Maria Guadalupe, Montes Genaro Ivan Ceron, and Gomez y Gomez Yolanda de las Mer , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.976-983, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.08 MB)
Anti-Inflammatory and Neurobehavioral Effects of the Leaves from Maytenus macrocarpa (Ruiz and Pavon) Briquet in Mice, Elmer, Luján-Carpio, Henry Medina-Salazar, Alexander Mayor-Vega, Karola Medrano-Canchari, María Mazuelos-Rivas, Zaida Lizarraga-Castañeda, Carlos Pante-Medina, and Alberto Salazar-Granara , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.75-80, (2019) PDF icon PDF (947.53 KB)
Effect of Tender Coconut Water to Prevent Anemia on Wistar Rats Induced by Lead (Plumbum), Zulaikhah, Siti Thomas, Wahyuwibowo Joko, D Aziz Rakha, P Dede Rizky, and N Ahmad Fauzi , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.1325-1330, (2019) PDF icon PDF (511.58 KB)
