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Journal Article
Inhibition on Urease and Thermal Induced Protein Denaturation of commonly used Antiulcer Herbal Products. Study based on in-vitro assays, Khan, Haroon, Khan Murad Ali, Rauf Abdul, Haleemi Ashhad, Fuloria Shivkanya, and Fuloria Neeraj Kumar , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.147-151, (2015) PDF icon PDF (431.88 KB)
Inhibition on Urease and Thermal Induced Protein Denaturation of commonly used Antiulcer Herbal Products. Study based on in-vitro assays, Khan, Haroon, Khan Murad Ali, Rauf Abdul, Haleemi Ashhad, Fuloria Shivkanya, and Fuloria Neeraj Kumar , Pharmacognosy Journal, 16th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.147-151, (2015)