Published Articles

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Journal Article
Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Transdermal Patch (Ya-Pok- Dud-Pid) in Primary Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Saereewat, Chutharat, Sriyakul Kusuma, Tungsukruthai Parunkul, Niempoog Sunyarn, Tungsukruthai Sucharat, and Kamalashiran Chuntida , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2024, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.570-575, (2024) PDF icon PDF (416.31 KB)
Renal Resistive Index and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Nondiabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study, Wongmanit, Patnaree, Sriyakul Kusuma, Tungsukruthai Parunkul, Supasyndh Ouppatham, and Phetkate Pratya , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2024, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.538-544, (2024) PDF icon PDF (431.22 KB)
Safety Assessment of Oral Lysiphyllum strychnifolium Aqueous Extract in Healthy Volunteers, Jumpa-ngern, Piracha, Tungsukruthai Parunkul, Kamalashiran Chuntida, Kietinun Somboon, Bangchang Kesara Na-, and Sriyakul Kusuma , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2024, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.235-240, (2024) PDF icon PDF (405.41 KB)
Safety Assessment of Supplementation with Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. (Lemongrass) Extract in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3: A Preliminary 90-Days Prospective Study, Wongmanit, Patnaree, Tungsukruthai Parunkul, Phetkate Pratya, Rungprai Daraporn, Tungsukruthai Sucharat, Supasyndh Ouppatham, and Sriyakul Kusuma , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.976-986, (2023) PDF icon PDF (872.73 KB)