Published Articles

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Journal Article
Review on Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Genus Anthemis, Boukhary, Rima, Aboul-Ela Maha, and El-Lakany Abdalla , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1155-1166, (2019) PDF icon PDF (2.52 MB)
Phytochemical Investigation of Psoralea bituminosa L. and its Anti-Diabetic Potentials, Ayoubi, Karim Raafat Sar, El-Lakany Abdalla, and Aboul-Ela Maha , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.841-853, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.15 MB)
Phytochemical Investigation of Psoralea bituminosa L. and its Anti-Diabetic Potentials, Ayoubi, Sara Al, Raafat Karim, El-Lakany Abdalla, and Aboul-Ela Maha , Pharmacognosy Journal, July/2018, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.73-85, (2018)
Phytochemical Compounds Of Cichorium intybus by Exploring its Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activities, Kanj, Dina, Raafat Karim, El-Lakany Abdalla, Baydoun Safaa, and Aboul-Ela Maha , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2, p.248-257, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.6 MB)
Designing monographs for Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Lavandula angustifolia L.: Two Lebanese species with significant medicinal potentials, Koleilat, Mariam, Raafat Karim, El-Lakany Abdalla, and Aboul-Ela Maha , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.452-474, (2017) PDF icon PDF (1.37 MB)
Chemical Constituents from Salvia fruticosa libanotica, Boukhary, Rima, Aboul-Ela Maha, Al-Hanbali Othman, and El-Lakany Abdalla , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.45-48, (2018) PDF icon PDF (394.23 KB)
Anticancer Activity of Micromeria fruticosa and Teucrium polium Growing in Lebanon, Al-Hamwi, Mohammad, Aboul-Ela Maha, El-Lakany Abdalla, and Nasreddine Salam , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.103-109, (2021) PDF icon PDF (537.56 KB)