ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2020,12,4,793-797.DOI:10.5530/pj.2020.12.113Published:June 2020Type:Original ArticleHuman Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Secretome Enhance Endothelial Progenitor Cells Migration on Hyperglycemic ConditionsYudi Her Oktaviono, Melly Susanti, Achmad Lefi, and Ferry Sandra Yudi Her Oktaviono1,*, Melly Susanti1,*, Achmad Lefi1, Ferry Sandra2,3 1Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Prof Moestopo Street 6-8, Surabaya, INDONESIA. 2Prodia Stem Cell Laboratory, Kramat 7 No. 11 Street, Jakarta, INDONESIA. 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Trisakti, Kyai Tapa Street No.260, Jakarta, INDONESIA. Abstract:Hyperglycemia state is harmful to body’s homeostasis. Uncontrolled hyperglycemic patients, especially patients with diabetes mellitus have a higher mortality risk of heart disease 2 to 4 times compared to non-hyperglycemic patients. Vascular endothelial impairment always been observed and found as a key feature of hyperglycemia state, which is correlated with reduced numbers and dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Objective: This paper aims to investigate the effect of hUCB-MSCs derived secretome treatment on the EPCs migration under hyperglycemia state. Materials and Methods: EPCs were isolated and cultured from peripheral blood samples and cultured for three days. Cultured EPCs were cultivated in 6-well plates until confluence and incubated with high glucose for 5 days, then placed in the modified Boyden chamber at the upper chamber with basal media. The lower chamber was supplemented with basal media and secretome at 2%, 10%, and 20% concentration and VEGF treated group as a control. EPCS migration was evaluated using a Boyden chamber assay. Statistical analysis was performed using SPS 25.0. Results: EPCs migration were significantly higher when hUCB-MSCs-derived secretome was given in high glucose concentrations compared to the and control group (79.80 ± 5.07 vs 51.00 ± 5.15, p<0.000). This study also showed that hUCB-MSCs-derived secretome increase EPCs migration under high glucose concentrations in a dose-dependent manner (p<0.05). Conclusion: hUCB-MSCsderived secretome enhances EPCs migration under hyperglycemic state. This result may be of relevance for cell-free and regenerative therapeutic modality for a diabetic patient with coronary artery disease (CAD). Keywords:Endothelial progenitor cells, Hyperglycemia state, Mesenchymal stem cells, Migration, SecretomeView:PDF (4.44 MB) PDF Images Graphical Abstract ‹ Anti-Inflammation of Soursop Leaves (Annona muricata L.) Against Hemorrhoids in Mice Induced by Croton Oil up Protection of Erythrocytes against Lipoperoxidation and Antiinflammatory Effects of Ethanolic Extract of Encelia canescens Lam Leaves in Mice ›