Natural Cartilage-Derived Scaffolds for 3D Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culture: Promoting Chondrogenesis and Modulating Secretome Composition



Scanning electron microscope images of 5,000x (a) and 10,000x (b) magnification showed that the cells not only adhered to the surface but also penetrated the porous structure of the 3D medium. Alcian blue staining is to visualize and identify glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), as these are critical components of the extracellular matrix in cartilage (c).

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Vancouver Style ::
Hernugrahanto KD, Noerda NR, Sedar JA, Widhiyanto L, Utomo DN, Santoso D. Natural Cartilage-Derived Scaffolds for 3D Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culture: Promoting Chondrogenesis and Modulating Secretome Composition. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2024;16(6):1365-1372.PDF icon PDF (901.38 KB)