ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2022,14,4,305-312.DOI:10.5530/pj.2022.14.100Published:August 2022Type:Original Article Antioxidant Capacity and Potential as an Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor in Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl Fruit Peel Ultrasonic ExtractCandra Irawan, Maman Sukiman, Ismail, Imalia Dwi Putri, Andita Utami, Andrean Nur Pratama, and M. Ilham Kumala Zalni Candra Irawan1, Maman Sukiman2,*, Ismail3, Imalia Dwi Putri1, Andita Utami3, Andrean Nur Pratama4, M. Ilham Kumala Zalni2 1Department of Food Nanotechnology, Politeknik AKA Bogor, Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, INDONESIA. 2Department of Industrial Waste Treatment, Politeknik AKA Bogor, Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, INDONESIA. 3Department of Chemical Analysis, Politeknik AKA Bogor, Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Bogor 16154, INDONESIA. 4Research and Development Planning Agency, Tanggamus District, Lampung, INDONESIA. Abstract:Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl is native to the tropical region of Papua Island, Indonesia, and has traditionally been used as a herbal drink, either alone or in combination with other medicinal plants, to treat diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to obtain the fruit peel extract of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl. through the application of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) with variations in time and amplitude to produce optimal extraction conditions. The potential of the extract as an antioxidant using the cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods, and its potential as an antidiabetic through alpha glucosidase inhibition. The optimum extract selected was extract C (extraction time was 45 minutes and amplitude 60%) with IC50 values for antioxidant activity in the CUPRAC method of 39.63 ± 0.009 mg/L and the FRAP method of 77.37 ± 0.8 mg/L, while the inhibition of alpha glucosidase was 0.45 ± 0.007 mg/L. It can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Phaleria macrocarpa fruit peel has the potential as a source of antioxidants and anti-diabetic. Keywords:Alpha-glucosidase, Antidiabetic, Antioxidant, Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) BoerlView:PDF (735 KB) PDF Images Curve for gallic acid used as a standard ‹ In vitro Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities as well as Phytochemical Content of the Fresh Stem Juice from Montrichardia arborescens Schott (Araceae) up Insight into Screening of Secondary Metabolites, Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents and Antioxidant Activity of Raphanus sativus L. Cultivated in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia ›