ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2022,14,5,627-631.DOI:10.5530/pj.2022.14.145Published:October 2022Type:Research ArticleAnalysis Protein APOB and TroponinT in Obese Mice (Musmusculus) Induced by Static Magnetic Field as a Marker of Coronary HeartPuji Sari, Luluk Yunaini, Dwi Anita Suryandari, Widia Bela Oktaviani, Rahma Nur Istiqomah, and Umiatin Puji Sari1,*, Luluk Yunaini1, Dwi Anita Suryandari1, Widia Bela Oktaviani2, Rahma Nur Istiqomah2, Umiatin2 1Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, INDONESIA. 2Master’s Programme in Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, INDONESIA. 3Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract:Obesity is closely related to cardiovascular disease. APOB protein was a better predictor of LDL particle count. Increased troponin T protein is also indicated as an indication of the risk of CHD disease. Static Magnetic Field (SMF) is an electromagnetic applied in therapy because only a simple magnetic disk is used to generate it both in vitro and in vivo. The use of SMF is considered to affect the biological state of cells so that it can affect weight loss in mice. The method used was male c57bl/6j mice with groups of Obes0, Obes2, Obes7, Obes 14, and Obes21 fed high-fat diet and then exposed to SMF with an intensity of 2mT for 1 hour. The results obtained were that there was a significant difference p=0.015 (p<0.05) in the protein concentration of APOB and there was no significant difference in the concentration of cTnT taken from the blood serum of mice. The increase in APOB protein levels in each control group was not found to have an increase in cTnT protein so that the two proteins did not have a linear correlation between the two proteins 0.598 (p>0.05). Most of the protein concentrations of APOB and cTnT decreased in concentration at longer days. It can be seen morphologically in the heart there is a decrease in the number of adipose cells. Keywords:Cardiovaskular, Electromagnetic, Obesity, Protein.View:PDF (813.23 KB) PDF Images Cardiac morphology of mice. A. control, B. Obese0, C. Obese2, D. Obes7, E. Obese14, F. Obese21. ‹ Subacute Toxicity Test of Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides Lam. Extract on Histopathological Images of Liver and Kidney of White Male Mice up Study of Sericin Sequences from Bombyx mori as Antiaging through ROS with Molecular Simulation and DPPH Evaluation ›