ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2023,15,6,1047-1051.DOI:10.5530/pj.2023.15.192Published:December 2023Type:Original ArticleComics in Health as Alternative Therapy: An Information and Therapeutic Resource for Post-COVID-19 Patients in Ayacucho, PeruCarlos Rodrigo Infante-Yupanqui, Roberta García-de-la-Cruz, Yanibel Hurtado-Vargas, Rosa María Vega-Guevara, Primy Agripina Alca-Chamba, Rod Rosberg Bendezú-Perez, and Pavel Pool Puclla-Pareja Carlos Rodrigo Infante-Yupanqui*, Roberta García-de-la-Cruz, Yanibel Hurtado-Vargas, Rosa María Vega-Guevara, Primy Agripina Alca-Chamba, Rod Rosberg Bendezú-Perez, Pavel Pool Puclla-Pareja Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Portal Independencia 57, Ayacucho 05003, PERU. Abstract:The aim of this research was to determine the utility of comics, as an informative and therapeutic resource, in post-COVID-19 patients, in the area of influence of the Camisea project, which is delimited to cities such as Huanta, Tambo, and Cangallo, located in Ayacucho, Peru. The methodology included an observational design, with in and out surveys being conducted during the study. The first survey sought to discover the level of approach of post-COVID-19 patients with the use of comics, while the second examined the effectiveness and usefulness after being exposed to a brochure of four comics (Figure 1) that combined humor and information related to the recovery procedures for COVID-19. The research showed that the usefulness of comics as an informative and therapeutic resource in post-COVID-19 patients in the city of Ayacucho is very significant. This was confirmed by 96% of those surveyed, since they pointed out that the comics contributed to virus infection recovery and prevention. View:PDF (417.58 KB) PDF Images Response to the questionnaires of participants of the districts of Tambo, Huanta, and Cangallo (Ayacucho, Peru) ‹ Physicochemical and antistaphylococcal evaluation of two herbal ointments from Mikania micrantha Kunth and Tridax procumbens Linn up The Influence of Vitamin D3 Administration on the Levels of CGRP, Glutamate, and NLRP3 during the Ictal Phase in Chronic Migraine Patients ›