ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2024,16,6,1311-1314.DOI:10.5530/pj.2024.16.211Published:December 2024Type:Original ArticleImpact of Stigmasterol from Beluntas Leaves (Pluchea indica) on SGOT and SGPT Levels in Male Rats (Rattus norvegicus)Eko Susetyarini, Poncojari Wahyono, Sri Wahyuni, Endrik Nurrohman, and Rahadian Zainul Eko Susetyarini1*, Poncojari Wahyono1, Sri Wahyuni1, Endrik Nurrohman1, Rahadian Zainul2 1Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, INDONESIA. 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, INDONESIA. Abstract:Stigmasterol compounds have the potential as natural male antifertility drugs; based on the results of multiyear research and bioinformatics, further research is needed on the safety of stigmasterol preclinically. The study aimed to examine selected stigmasterol from blunt leaves that are safe for blood SGOT and SGPT levels the type of experimental research, the Post-test control design group. The study was conducted at the Biomedical Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, the Hufaka Bandung Laboratory, and the FKH Laboratory of Brawijaya University. The study was conducted from June to August 2024. The research sample of stigmasterol from blunt leaves came from the UPT materia medica of Batu City. The sampling technique was purposive random sampling. There were three dose treatments (0.125 mg/kgbb, 0.25 mg/kgbb, 0.5 mg/kgbb and control) with seven replications. Data analysis used one-way ANOVA and Duncan's further test. The results showed that giving various doses of stigmasterol could reduce SGPT in the blood but not SGOT. Duncan's test results of SGOT levels showed no significant difference between treatment categories; SGPT testing showed that the 0.125 mg/kgbb and 0.25 mg/kgbb treatments were not significantly different from the 0.5 mg/kg bb treatment but were substantially different from the control treatment. At the same time, the 0.5 mg/kgbb treatment was not significantly different from the other treatments. The conclusion and findings of the stigmasterol compound are in the safe category for use because it does not cause an increase in blood SGOT and SGPT and potentially tends to decrease. Keywords:Antifertility, Beluntas, Men, Safety Test, StigmasterolView:PDF (292.26 KB) PDF Images GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT ‹ The Effect Ethanol Extract of Phyllanthus niruri l on Malondialdehyde (MDA) Expression and Extracellular Signal- Regulated Protein Kinase-1 (ERK-1) on Vaginal Epithelial Cell Thickness in Menopausal Mice up Adsorption of Metanil Yellow Using Flavonoid Extract from Longan Peel (Dimocarpus longan): Optimization of pH and Concentration ›