ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2018,10,6s,s59-s62.DOI:10.5530/pj.2018.6s.11Published:November 2018Type:Original ArticleExperience of Introduction of Two Species of Eryngium in the North CaucasusShcherbakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Eliseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, and Konovalov Dmitry Alexeevich Shcherbakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Eliseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Konovalov Dmitry Alexeevich* Department of Pharmacognozy and botany, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, a branch of Volgograd State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk, 357532, Kalinina av.11, RUSSIA.Abstract:The article gives recommendations on the cultivation of Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. and Eryngium planum L. in the Caucasus. Introduction: In Russia, grows about 20 species of Eryngium, in the Caucasus - 8 species. Materials and Methods: The subjects of the study were two species: Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. and Eryngium planum L. The main methods of research: field, observation, mathematical. Results: The seedlings appear on the 14-16th day. In the first year of vegetation, a rosette of leaves is formed. In September, the rosettes of leaves have a diameter of 35-39 cm. Plants of the second year of vegetation pass through all phases of development: Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. - for 180 days, Eryngium planum L. - for 160 days. Conclusion: Seeds should be sown in late autumn (late October - early November) or early spring (late February - beginning of March). Seeds are sown to a depth of 1-2 cm, between rows - 50-60 cm. Care of plants requires weeding from weeds and watering. Collection of seeds and fruits is recommended in August - September. Keywords:Eryngium, Eryngium caucasicum, Eryngium plan, Introduction, RecommendationsView:PDF (1.05 MB) PDF Images Rosettes of leaves: A - Eryngium caucasicum; B – Eryngium planum. ‹ Ameliorative Effect of Moringa oleifera Fruit Extract on Reproductive Parameters in Diabetic-induced Male Rats up Essential Oil and Anatomical Study of Flowers Solidago caucasica Kem.-Nath. ›