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Antihypertensive Effects of Osteospermum Imbricatum in Two Hypertensive Rat Models, Tata, Charlotte Mungho, Sewani-Rusike Constance Rufaro, Aremu Olukayode, Oyedeji Opeoluwa Oyehan, and Nkeh-Chungag Benedicta Ngwenchi , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.744-751, (2021) PDF icon PDF (508.63 KB)
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cinnamon Bark Oil (Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume from Lombok Timur Indonesia, , Nurcholida Rosy Dwi, Primaharinastiti Riesta, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1005-1013, (2021) PDF icon PDF (4.75 MB)
Anti-inflammatory Activity of Pegagan Embun (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.) Plant Extract on Topical Application, , Nazmi Rahmatul, Dillasamola Dwisari, Badriyya Elsa, and Aldi Yufri , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.411-417, (2021) PDF icon PDF (941.09 KB)
Antimicrobial Efficacy, Cytotoxicity, Acute Oral Toxicity, and Phytochemical Investigation of the Aqueous and Methanolic Stem Bark Extracts of Bridellia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill, Kathare, Joseph M., Mbaria James M., Nguta Joseph M., Moriasi Gervason A., and Mainga Alfred O. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1248-1256, (2021) PDF icon PDF (636.54 KB)
Antioxidant, Anti-quorum Sensing and Cytotoxic Properties of the Endophytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa CP043328.1 's Extract, Ngidi, L S., Nxumalo C I., Shandu J S., Maliehe T S., and Rene K , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.332-340, (2021) PDF icon PDF (615.02 KB)
Antioxidant, Anti-quorum Sensing and Cytotoxic Properties of the Endophytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa CP043328.1 's Extract, Ngidi, L S., Nxumalo C I., Shandu J S., Maliehe T S., and Rene K , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.332-340, (2021) PDF icon PDF (615.02 KB)
Antioxidant Capacity and Protective Effect of Aqueous and Hydroalcoholic Extracts of Senecio rhizomatus Rusby "Llancahuasi" on Erythrocytes Subjected to Oxidative Stress, Jesús, Justil-Guerrero Hugo, Elvira Chávez-Flores Juana, Armando Cárdenas-Orihuela Robert, Guillermo Ramos- Jaco Anton, Daniel Ñañez-del-Pino, David Vásquez-Quispe Ángel, Felicita Rojas-Cardenas Nathalie, and Nélber Fernández-Flores , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.516-527, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1002.42 KB)
The Antioxidant Effects of the Ethanolic Extract of Binahong Leaves Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Rat Model, Bahtiar, Anton, Utami Putri Sagita, and Noor Melati Raisa , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.185-188, (2021) PDF icon PDF (160.89 KB)
Azadirachta indica (Neem) Water Leaf Extract Inhibits Melanin Production and Tyrosinase Activity in B16F10 Melanoma Cells, Songtavisin, Thanitsara, Pratoomthai Benjamart, Gangnonngiw Warachin, and Naowaboot Jarinyaporn , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1030-1035, (2021) PDF icon PDF (601.03 KB)
Beneficial Effects of Sambucus nigra in Chronic Stress-Induced Neurobehavioral and Biochemical Perturbation in Rodents, Neekhra, Sachin, Awasthi Himani, and Singh Dharmchand Prasad , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.155-161, (2021) PDF icon PDF (466.99 KB)
Both Ethanol and Ethyl Acetate Curcuma Zedoaraia Extract was Capable of Inducing Cells Death in T47D Cell Line Culture, Sumarawati, Titiek,, and Nasihun Taufiqurrachman , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.737-743, (2021) PDF icon PDF (906.48 KB)
Cardioprotective Role of Partharishtam on Isopreterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Animal Model, Narayanan, G., Prabhu K, Chaudhury Anath Bandhu, Rao Mudiganti Ram Krishn, Selvi V S. Kalai, Muthiah N S., and Dinakar Sruthi , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.591-595, (2021) PDF icon PDF (977.21 KB)
Compound Analysis and Genetic Study of Selected Plectranthus scutellarioides Varieties from Indonesia, Astuti, Ayun Dwi, Perdana Awaluddin Iwan, Natzir Rosdiana, Massi Muhammad Nasrum,, and Alam Gemini , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1516-1526, (2021) PDF icon PDF (3.09 MB)
Effect of Aporosa villosa Stem Ethanolic Extract on Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes, Nanna, Urarat, Chularojmontri Linda, Tingpej Pholawat, Kaewamatawong Rawiwun, Homhual Sudarat, Suwannaloet Wanwisa, Fuangfoo Thanes, and Naowaboot Jarinyaporn , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1422-1427, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.94 MB)
Effect of Aporosa villosa Stem Ethanolic Extract on Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes, Nanna, Urarat, Chularojmontri Linda, Tingpej Pholawat, Kaewamatawong Rawiwun, Homhual Sudarat, Suwannaloet Wanwisa, Fuangfoo Thanes, and Naowaboot Jarinyaporn , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1422-1427, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.94 MB)
Ethnobotany and Traditional Knowledge of Bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in Asia and Their Applications in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Review, Benjamin, Mohammad Amil Zulhi, Ng Shean Yeaw, Saikim Fiffy Hanisdah, and Rusdi Nor Azizun , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6s, p.1751-1762, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.14 MB)
Ethnomedicinal Knowledge Verification for the Antidiarrheal and Antioxidant Effects of Rhus chinensis Mill. Fruits with Identification of Thirty Constituents, Nemkul, Chandra Mohini, Bajracharya Gan B., Maeda Hayato, and Shrestha Ila , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.37-43, (2021) PDF icon PDF (471.09 KB)
Evaluate the Effect of Herbal Extract Remedy for Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis in in-vitro, Nguyen, Thanh Ha Tuan, Hoang Ngan Nguyen, Nguyen Xuan Thanh, Do Binh Nhu, and The Son Trinh , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.189-195, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.6 MB)
Evaluate the Effect of Herbal Extract Remedy for Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis in in-vitro, Nguyen, Thanh Ha Tuan, Hoang Ngan Nguyen, Nguyen Xuan Thanh, Do Binh Nhu, and The Son Trinh , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.189-195, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.6 MB)
Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites, Antibacterial, Antiplasmodial and Acute Toxicity Potentials of Chloroform Crude Extract of Boswellia dalzielii Stem Bark, Bunu, MI, Ikhile M I., Matheri AN, Charlotte MT, Fotsing MCD, and Ndinteh DT , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.393-400, (2021) PDF icon PDF (329.69 KB)
Evaluation of the Anticonvulsant, Anxiolytic, Sedative, and Neuroprotective Activities of Polysaccharides from Mycelium of Two Ganoderma Species, Nunez-Urquiza, Veronica, Villeda-Hernandez Juana, Montiel-Arcos Elizur, Tello Isaac, Campos-Pena Victoria, Herrera-Ruiz Maribel, Gutiérrez María del Carmen, Petricevich Vera, Santana María Angélica, Navarro Martha, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1161-1173, (2021) PDF icon PDF (5.28 MB)
Evaluation of the Anticonvulsant, Anxiolytic, Sedative, and Neuroprotective Activities of Polysaccharides from Mycelium of Two Ganoderma Species, Nunez-Urquiza, Veronica, Villeda-Hernandez Juana, Montiel-Arcos Elizur, Tello Isaac, Campos-Pena Victoria, Herrera-Ruiz Maribel, Gutiérrez María del Carmen, Petricevich Vera, Santana María Angélica, Navarro Martha, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1161-1173, (2021) PDF icon PDF (5.28 MB)
Evaluation of the Anticonvulsant, Anxiolytic, Sedative, and Neuroprotective Activities of Polysaccharides from Mycelium of Two Ganoderma Species, Nunez-Urquiza, Veronica, Villeda-Hernandez Juana, Montiel-Arcos Elizur, Tello Isaac, Campos-Pena Victoria, Herrera-Ruiz Maribel, Gutiérrez María del Carmen, Petricevich Vera, Santana María Angélica, Navarro Martha, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1161-1173, (2021) PDF icon PDF (5.28 MB)
Evolution of Biometric Parameters and Oil Fatty Acid Composition of Argan "Argania spinosa L. Skeels" Fruits from Beni- Snassen (Eastern Region of Morocco) During Ripening, Chergui, Abdelhak, Hafid Latifa El, Ajal El Amine, Zakariya Imane, Nejjari Rachid, and Tazi Mohammed Reda , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.296-308, (2021) PDF icon PDF (6.09 MB)
GC-MS Analysis of Bioactive Compounds and Safety Assessment of the Ethanol Extract of the Barks of Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex.G.Don (Family Apocynaceae): Sub-Acute Toxicity Studies in Swiss Albino Mice, Namasudra, Sanjit, Phukan Pankaj, and Bawari Meenakshi , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.162-171, (2021) PDF icon PDF (5.72 MB)
