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Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activities of Sponges Collected off the Coast of Togean Islands, Indonesia, Zubair, Muhammad Sulaiman, Lallo Subehan, Putra Masteria Yunovilsa, Hadi Tri Aryono, and Jantan Ibrahim , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.988-992, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.07 MB)
Cytotoxicity Study of Ethanol Extract of the Leaves of Asam Kandis (Garcinia cowa Roxb.) on T47D Breast Cancer Cell line, Wahyuni, Fatma Sri, Triastuti Dini Hara, and Arifin Helmi , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.369-371, (2015) PDF icon PDF (388.24 KB)
Chemical Composition and Some Biological Activities of the Methanolic Encephalartos ferox Fruit Extract, Tsilo, Phakamani Hopewell, Maliehe Sidney Tsolanku, Shandu Jabulani Siyabonga, and Khan Rene , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2020, Volume 12, Issue 5, p.1190-1197, (2020) PDF icon PDF (680.27 KB)
Evaluation of cytotoxic, DNA protecting and LPS induced MMP-9 down regulation activities of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng. essential oil., Thirugnanasampandan, Ramaraj, Ramya Gunasekar, Gogulramnath Madhusudhanan, Jayakumar Rajarajeswaran, and Kanthimathi M.S. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Nov, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.32-36, (2015)
Evaluation of cytotoxic, DNA protecting and LPS induced MMP-9 down regulation activities of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng. essential oil, Thirugnanasampandan, Ramaraj, Ramya Gunasekar, Gogulramnath Madhusudhanan, Jayakumar Rajarajeswaran, and Kanthimathi M.S. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.32-36, (2015) PDF icon PDF (563.29 KB)
Cytotoxic Activity of Ethanol Extract of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Induced Ginger Rhizome on T47D Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Suharty, Netty, Wahyuni Fatma Sri, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1133-1136, (2018) PDF icon PDF (647.98 KB)
Determination of Lupeol, a Cytotoxic Compound Against SW620 Cells in the Extracts of Ha-Rak Recipe, Somwong, Pathom, and Chuchote Chomnapas , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.133-138, (2021) PDF icon PDF (3.65 MB)
Andrographolide Induced Apoptosis in NALM-6 Cells Mediated Through the Cell Cycle Arrest and Nuclear Fragmentation, Sarkar, Swadesh, Gopal Priya K., and Paul Santanu , Pharmacog Journal, January-2018, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.210-214, (2018) PDF icon PDF (657.69 KB)
Triptolide Mediated Amelioration of Breast Cancer via Modulation of Molecular Pathways, Sarkar, Swadesh, and Paul Santanu , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.838-845, (2017) PDF icon PDF (883.77 KB)
GC/MS Analysis and Potential Cytotoxic Activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential Oils Against Lung and Liver Cancer Cells, Sabry, Omar Mohamed Mo, Sayed Abeer Mohamed El, and Alshalmani Salmin Khalid , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.66-69, (2016) PDF icon PDF (229.09 KB)
Cytotoxic Compounds from Kibatalia gitingensis (Elm.) Woodson, Reyes, Mariquit M. De Los, Oyong Glenn G., Ng Vincent Antonio S., Shen Chien-Chang, and Ragasa Consolacion Y. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.8-13, (2017) PDF icon PDF (365.71 KB)
Cytotoxicity of Soursop Leaves (Annona muricata) against Cervical HeLa Cancer Cells, Qorina, Fona, Arsianti Ade, Fithrotunnisa Qotrunnada, Tejaputri NadzilaAnindya, Azizah Norma Nur, and Putrianingsih Rista , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.20-24, (2020) PDF icon PDF (712.94 KB)
Screening In vitro Anticancer Activity of Alseodaphne semecarpifolia Nees Stem Bark Extracts against some Cancer Cell lines, Puttaramaiah, Chethankumara Ganadhal, Venkatarangaiah Krishna, and Kakanahalli Nagaraj , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.884-888, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.04 MB)
Effectiveness of Methanol Solvent Extraction for Red Macroalgae Acanthophora spicifera Antitumoric Activity, Prasedya, Eka Sunarwidhi, Martyasari Ni Wayan Riya, Hamdin Candra Dwipayana, Miyake Masao, Kobayashi Daisuke, Widyastuti Sri, Hazama Akihiro, and Sunarpi Haji , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3, p.450-454, (2019) PDF icon PDF (708.39 KB)
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Analysis of Brassica juncea Seeds, Parikh, Harita, and Khanna Aparna , Pharmacognosy Journal, 2nd July 2014, Volume 6, Issue 5, p.47-54, (2014)
In vitro Cytotoxicity Study on U87 Cells Using Root Extracts of Plumbago Species and GC-MS Study, Panicker, Sandhya, and Haridasan Veluthat Kolangara , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s71-s76, (2018) PDF icon PDF (937.19 KB)
Phytochemical and Biological Studies of Helichrysum acutatum DC, Oyetunde-Joshua, Funsho, Moodley Roshila, Cheniah Hafizah, and Khan Rene , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.603-609, (2022) PDF icon PDF (870.69 KB)
Therapeutic Index of Methanolic Extracts of Three Malaysian Phyllanthus Species on MCF-7 and MCF-10A Cell Lines, Omar, Wan Adnan Wan, and Zain Siti Nur Dalila , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s30-s32, (2018) PDF icon PDF (212.85 KB)
Screening of Tyrosinase Inhibitor, Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity of Dried Sea Cucumber from Tomini Bay, Indonesia, Nursid, Muhammad, Marraskuranto Endar, Kuswardini Azizah, and Winanto Tjahyo , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3, p.555-558, (2019) PDF icon PDF (333.63 KB)
Cytotoxic Activities of Fractions from Dioscorea bulbifera L. Chloroform and Methanol Extracts on T47D Breast Cancer Cells, Nur, Rinto Muhammad, and Nugroho Laurentius Hartanto , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.33-38, (2018) PDF icon PDF (545.43 KB)
Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity of Selected Raw-Consumed Vegetables in West Java, Indonesia, Milanda, Tiana, Febriyanti Raden Maya, Kusuma Arif Satria Wir, and Diantini Ajeng , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2022, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.289-295, (2022) PDF icon PDF (531.66 KB)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015) PDF icon PDF (733.95 KB)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, Ramachandra Yerappa Lakshmikan, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal , 8th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015)
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil Isolated from the Leaves of Achillea fragrantissima Growing Wild in Yemen, Mansi, Iman, Ali Nasser A. Awadh, Mhaidat Nizar M., Hussain Khaled, Al-kaf Ali G., Anwar Sirajudheen, and Setzer William N. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1077-1081, (2019) PDF icon PDF (708.62 KB)
Purified Anthocyanin, its Elicitation from Cell Cultures of Begonia malabarica and Begonia rex-cultorum ‘Baby Rainbow’and it’s In vitro Cytotoxicity Analysis by MTT Assay, Madanakumar, Aswathy Jayasree, and Kumaraswamy Murugan , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.553-558, (2018) PDF icon PDF (939.57 KB)
