ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2024,16,2,342-347.DOI:10.5530/pj.2024.16.52Published:April 2024Type:Research ArticleThe Potential of Orthosiphon Aristatus Extract in Improving Skin Lesions in Atopic Dermatitis: A Mice Model StudyThigita Aga Pandaleke, Kusworini Handono, Dhelya Widasmara, and Hani Susianti Thigita Aga Pandaleke1,2,*, Kusworini Handono3, Dhelya Widasmara4, Hani Susianti3 1Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, INDONESIA. 2Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of medicine, Sam Ratulangi University - RD Kandou Hospital, Manado, North Sulawesi, INDONESIA. 3Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of medicine, Brawijaya University - Saiful Anwar Malang, East Java, INDONESIA. 4Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of medicine, Brawijaya University - Saiful Anwar Malang, East Java, INDONESIA. Abstract:Introduction: This research discusses the potential of Orthosiphon aristatus, a medicinal plant, in improving skin lesions in Atopic Dermatitis by regulating Th2 cytokines and showing anti-allergic activity. Methods: The study was conducted using BALB/C mice induced with DNCB for 21 days to create an atopic dermatitis model. Then, the mice were orally administered Orthosiphon aristatus extract for 14 days (after 7 days of induction). The doses given were divided into six groups: 17.5 mg/kgbw, 35 mg/kgbw, 70 mg/kgbw, and 140 mg/kgbw. Molecular levels such as IgE, IL4, IL22, and PGE2 were analyzed from blood samples. In addition, the severity of skin lesions was assessed morphologically, and histological examination was performed to confirm clinical improvement. Results: This study showed that the administration of Orthosiphon aristatus extract reduced the severity of skin lesions in all intervention groups. Histologically, this extract reduced epidermal thickness and mast cell infiltration. These findings were also supported by dose-dependent decreases in IgE, IL4, IL22, and PGE2 levels. So, the conclusion of this study is that Orthosiphon aristatus extract shows potential for improving skin lesions in atopic dermatitis by regulating Th2 cytokines and demonstrating anti-allergic activity in a mice model with DNCBinduced atopic dermatitis. Conclusion: The administration of Orthosiphon aristatus extract clinically and histologically exhibits anti-atopic effects that can be explained through the regulation of molecules such as IgE, IL4, IL22, PGE2, and NO. Orthosiphon aristatus has the potential to be a valuable herbal therapy for managing atopic dermatitis. Keywords:Atopic dermatitis, Orthosiphon aristatus, Skin lesions, Th2 cytokinesView:PDF (529.65 KB) PDF Images Serum Levels of IgE, IL4, and IL22. *P<0.005 with positive control group. ‹ Exploring the Bioactive Potential of Marine Algae: Insights from Phytochemical Analysis, GC-MS Profiling, and Antioxidant Evaluation up Mozart K488 Addition Can Improve Depressive-Like Behavior in Rats: In Search of Better Management ›