ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2024,16,3,615-623.DOI:10.5530/pj.2024.16.97Published:June 2024Type:Research ArticleEvaluation of the Antenatal Care Service Program at the Tojo Una-Una District Health OfficeDewi Sartika, Amran Razak, Muhammad Alwy Arifin, Balqis, Muhammad Kardi, and Nurhaedar Jafar Dewi Sartika1*, Amran Razak2, Muhammad Alwy Arifin3,Balqis4, Muhammad Kardi5, Nurhaedar Jafar6 1Masters Student of Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, INDONESIA. 2Department of Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, INDONESIA. 3Department of Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, INDONESIA. 4Department of nutritional sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, INDONESIA. Abstract:Through ANC, various information and education related to pregnancy and childbirth preparation can be provided to mothers as early as possible. ANC service is a program provided to pregnant women as a form of preventive service for disorders during pregnancy and also functions as an early detection of health problems experienced by pregnant women. Objective: This research is to evaluate the antenatal care service program in Tojo Una-una Regency based on Input, Process and Output. Method: This type of research uses a qualitative research design through in-depth interview techniques and document reviews. Determining informants using purposive sampling technique, numbering 11 informants. Data were collected through triangulation techniques, namely in-depth interviews, observation and documentation using interview guides. Results: research shows that the input to the antenatal care service program in terms of funding used for the ANC service program is still insufficient where the funds come from APBN funds in the form of non-physical DAK, BOK and BPJS funds, apart from that the availability of human resources is still inadequate, Some community health centers still feel inadequate because they have a large working area, making it difficult to carry out activities in the field or at the community health center because the village midwife, who is supposed to only work at the village health post, has concurrent duties at the community health center. In the process component, the community health center has implemented the antenatal care service program in accordance with the plan, although there are still several obstacles such as funding problems during the activity, problems with supervision being carried out by the health service only once a year and while the output is achieving coverage of the antenatal care service program in The Tojo Una Regency Health Service still has not met the target coverage that has been set due to the lack of optimal input and processes in the antenatal care service program system both at the health service and at the community health center. Conclusion: The evaluation at the Tojo Una-una District Health Service in 2023 is still not going well because the input is still inadequate, the process is still not carried out optimally so that the output to achieve program coverage still does not meet the target coverage that has been set. Keywords:Antenatal Care Services, Health Service, Program EvaluationView:PDF (191.76 KB) PDF Images Evaluation of the Antenatal Care Service Program at the Tojo Una-Una District Health Office ‹ The Influence of Nurse Resource Aspects on Performance Nurse at Tenriawaru Hospital Bone District up The Influence of Human Resource Management Functions on the Quality of Health Services in Inpatient Patients at Maryam Citra Medika Hospital, Takalar District ›