ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2018,10,5,823-826.DOI:10.5530/pj.2018.5.140Published:August 2018Type:Original ArticleAnatomical Study and Characterization of Metabolites in Leaves of Momordica charantia L.Rafaela Damasceno Sá, Marília Barbosa Cadena, Rafael José Ribeiro Padilha, Luiz Carlos Alves, and Karina Perrelli Randau Rafaela Damasceno Sá1, Marília Barbosa Cadena1, Rafael José Ribeiro Padilha2 , Luiz Carlos Alves2, Karina Perrelli Randau1,* 1Laboratório de Farmacognosia, Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Avenida Professor Arthur de Sá, Cidade Universitária, Recife, PE, BRAZIL. 2Setor de Microscopia Eletrônica, Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, BRAZIL.Abstract:Background: Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae), is an herbaceous plant used for food and traditional medicine. It presents a proven antidiabetic activity in the literature, being a promising species for the development of phytotherapics. Objective: The objective was performing an anatomical study and characterizing the metabolites in leaves of M. charantia. Materials and Methods: Semipermanent histological slides were prepared for analysis of petiole and leaf blade in optical, polarization and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. Maceration and histochemical tests were also performed in the leaf blade. Results: The anatomical characterization revealed information about the type of trichomes, cuticle, vascular bundles and arrangement of the idioblasts and tissues that determine the botanical identity of this species. The histochemistry allowed determining the location of the metabolites and, along with the chemical microanalyses, to identify the type of crystal in the leaf blade. Conclusion: The study described new characters for M. charantia and the results provide support to quality control of the species. Keywords:Anatomy, Bitter melon, Crystals, Histochemistry, Melão-de-São-CaetanoView:PDF (510.29 KB) PDF Images Figure 1: Momordica charantia of the petiole and frontal view and SEM of the leaf blade of Momordica charantia L. ‹ Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 10, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2018 up Comparison between Volatile Oil from Fresh and Dried Fruits of Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC. and Cytotoxicity Activity Evaluation ›