ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2015,7,6,339-343.DOI:10.5530/pj.2015.6.4Published:Nov-Dec 2015Type:Original ArticleComponent Authentication and Standardisation of an Anti-atherosclerotic Herbal Formulation-GSTC3Jeksy Jos Manalil, Indu Muraleedharan Suseela, Smitha Koyickalmadhom Ramavarma, Arunaksharan Narayanankutty, and Achuthan Chathrattil Raghavamenon Jeksy Jos Manalil, Indu Muraleedharan Suseela, Smitha Koyickalmadhom Ramavarma, Arunaksharan Narayanankutty and Achuthan Chathrattil Raghavamenon* Department of Biochemistry, Amala Cancer Research Centre, Recognized by University of Calicut, Amala Nagar, Thrissur-680 555, IndiaAbstract:Context: Polyherbal drugs in traditional medicine have been time-tested for treatment of a wide variety of chronic ailments. Aims: To determine constituent components in an in-house designed polyherbal formulation GSTC3 and evaluation of consistency in preparation. Settings and Design: In this study, a hypolipidemic formulation was created using well known plant extracts such as Commiphora mukul (Hook. ex Stocks.) Eng. (Burseraceae), Salacia reticulata Wight (Celastraceae), Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight and Arn (Combretaceae) and Curcuma longa Linn (Zingiberaceae). Methods and Material: The authentication of individual plant powders was performed using techniques such as powder microscopy and characterised according to Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India. Phytochemical screening, HPTLC analysis and physicochemical parameters were also determined. Results: The powder microscopic analysis of the individual components served as an authentication for source of plants used. Phytochemical screening ascertained that active classes of compounds reported in the individual extracts such as steroids, terpenoids and polyphenols came into the formulation. Finally, HPTLC analysis of three different batches of GSTC3 ensured stability and integrity in batch to batch preparations. Conclusion: Experimental studies have revealed the antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anti-lipidemic and anti-thrombotic efficacy of GSTC3. This standardisation procedure is essential for further development of GSTC3 into an efficient anti-atherosclerotic drug candidate Keywords:HPTLC, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemical screening, Polyherbal formulation, Powder microscopyView:PDF (885.24 KB) PDF Images PICTORIAL ABSTRACT ‹ Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations on fruit of Vaccinium macrocarpon aiton up Effect of various extracts of Ocimum sanctum and Mallotus phillipensis on Setaria digitata ›