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Molecules of Interest – Karanjin – A Review, Noor, Aina Akmal Mohd, Othman Siti Nurul Naji, Lum Pei Teng, Mani Shankar, Shaikh Mohd Farooq, and Sekar Mahendran , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4, p.938-945, (2020) PDF icon PDF (1.01 MB)
Nanoparticle Characterization of Allium sativum, Curcuma mangga and Acorus calamus as a Basic of Nanotechnology on Jamu Subur Kandungan Madura, Muchtaromah, Bayyinatul, Wahyudi Didik, Ahmad Mujahidin, and Annisa Rahmi , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2020, Volume 12, Issue 5, p.1152-1159, (2020) PDF icon PDF (5.58 MB)
Paronychia argentea: A Critical Comprehensive Review on its Diverse Medicinal Potential and Future as Therapeutics, Veeraraghavan, Vishnu Priya, Hussain Sardar, Balakrishna Janardhana Papayya, and Mohan Surapaneni Krishna , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2020, Volume 12, Issue 5, p.1172-1179, (2020) PDF icon PDF (743.12 KB)
Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and Ethnopharmacological Potential of Cyclamen coum Mill, DO, Bokov, MK Krasikova, EV Sergunova, NV Bobkova, TYu Kovaleva, AA Bondar, AI Marakhova, SL Morokhina,, and DV Moiseev , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.204-212, (2020) PDF icon PDF (3.67 MB)
Pharmacological Screening of Anti Lice and Antidandruff Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Leaves of Datura metel, V, Sreedhar, Mastanaiah J, Chakrapani B, D Narayana Venkata, B Babu Nagendra, Sushma M, C Sree Usha, and N Sree Krishna , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1653-1657, (2020) PDF icon PDF (389.83 KB)
Phytochemical and Antioxidant Evaluation of the Flavonoids and Tannins from Synadenium grantii Hook f, (Ephorbiaceae), Elkarim, Asmaa S. Abd, Abdelaziz Sahar, Attia Hany Gouda, Taie Hanan A. A., and Monir Rafik , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.1421-1428, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.54 MB)
Phytochemical Screening and in vivo Immunosuppressive, Antioxidant and Anti-hemolytic Activities of Zea mays Silk Aqueous Extract, Salma, Bendiar, Othman El Faqer, Sanaa Chennaoui, Naima Benjelloun, Mostafa Mtairag El, and Mounia Oudghiri , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.1412-1420, (2020) PDF icon PDF (638.79 KB)
Phytochemical Screening and in vivo Immunosuppressive, Antioxidant and Anti-hemolytic Activities of Zea mays Silk Aqueous Extract, Salma, Bendiar, Othman El Faqer, Sanaa Chennaoui, Naima Benjelloun, Mostafa Mtairag El, and Mounia Oudghiri , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.1412-1420, (2020) PDF icon PDF (638.79 KB)
Prevalence of Traditional Herbs and Supplements Use Among Hypertensive Patients in Om Elamad Health Center, Al-Hadid, Dua, Musa Raad Jaber, Al-Talhuni Ahmad, and Alkrad Jamal Alyoussef , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1612-1622, (2020) PDF icon PDF (352.56 KB)
Protective Effect of Natural Products against Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Review, Othman, Siti Nurul Naji, Lum Pei Teng, Gan Siew Hua, Mani Shankar, and Sekar Mahendran , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2020, Volume 12, Issue 5, p.1180-1189, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.48 MB)
Qualitative and Quantitative Assay of Hydroxycinnamates of Prunus spinosa L., Kondrashev, Sergey, Nesterova Nadezhda, Luzin Alexey, Kochanov Vitaliy, Luzina Anna, and Matyushin Alexey , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.157-161, (2020) PDF icon PDF (849.93 KB)
Representatives of the Genus Goryanka (Epimedium L) – a Promising Source of Raw Materials for the Creation of Medicines for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in Men, Dmitrievna, Bukinich Darya, VG Salova, EB Odintsova, OV Rastopchina, NL Solovyovа, AM Kozlova, jun) Krasniuk I. I.(,, and M Kozlova Zh , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1710-1715, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.89 MB)
The Role of Recombinant Parathormone derivative in Bone healing. Making the Unfavorable, Favorable - A Systematic Review, S Meenakshi, Swarna, and Varghese Sheeja S. , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1753-1768, (2020) PDF icon PDF (1.01 MB)
Screening Data Reveals that Spirogyra triplicata, a Fresh Water Algae Induces Robust Anti-Proliferative Activity Against A549 Cells, Mridha, Ankita, Gopal Priya K., and Paul Santanu , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.569-577, (2020) PDF icon PDF (974.06 KB)
Screening of Phytochemical Analysis and In vitro Bioactive of Polyherbal Formulation, MP, Vasanth, and Purushotham KG , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1525-1533, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.12 MB)
Standardization of Indonesian Traditional Antihypertensive Medicines (Jamu) through the ACE Inhibitor Mechanism, Eff, Aprilita Rina Yanti, Rahayu Sri Teguh, Mahayasih Putu Gita, and Januarko Muhammad Unggul , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.422-429, (2020) PDF icon PDF (431.08 KB)
A Study on Phyllanthus amarus; Pharmacognostic, Mycobactericidal and Mutagenic Properties, Bekoe, Emelia Oppong, Kitcher Cindy, Debrah Philip, Amoateng Patrick, Donkor Paul Owusu, and Martinson Sarfoa , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1732-1739, (2020) PDF icon PDF (4.49 MB)
Supplementation of Lactobacillus Probiotic Strains Supports Gut- Brain-Axis and Defends Autistic Deficits Occurred by Valproic Acid-Induced Prenatal Model of Autism, Sunand, K, G Mohan Krishna, and Bakshi Vasudha , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1658-1669, (2020) PDF icon PDF (1.54 MB)
Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid and Phytochemical Screening by FTIR Spectroscopic of Standardized Extract of Mikania micrantha Leaf, Sumantri, Imam Bagus, Wahyuni Henny Sri, and Mustanti Lolyta Fiti , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.1395-1401, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.11 MB)
Toxicity Assessment of Vachellia karro (Hayne) Banfi and Galasso Pods using Brine Shrimp Assay, Maposa, S, Afolayan AJ, and Otunola GA , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.1-5, (2020) PDF icon PDF (713.62 KB)
The Acute Toxicity of Ki Hampelas Leaves (Sterculia rubiginosa Zoll. Ex Miq), Prastiwi, Rini, Dewanti Ema, Mauliza Cut, Hidayati Ester, Anggraini Ita, Anggraini Riska, and Ladeska Vera , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.570-576, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.23 MB)
Analysis of Heavy Metal Contents of Marsilea crenata Presl. Leaves and Soils from East Java Province, Indonesia, Agil, Mangestuti, Laswati Hening, Purwitasari Neny, and Ma’arif Burhan , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.17-22, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.22 MB)
Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Structure of CBAVD in Indonesia as a Basis for Immunotherapy to Ensure Maternal Health, Mafruchati, Maslichah, and Makuwira Jonathan , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1282-1286, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Structure of CBAVD in Indonesia as a Basis for Immunotherapy to Ensure Maternal Health, Mafruchati, Maslichah, and Makuwira Jonathan , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1282-1286, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Analyzing of Urine 3-Hidroxy Propil Mercapturic Acid on Cyclophosphamide Induced Rat to Determine Ameliorating Effect of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit Seed Extract, Wardatun, Sri, Harahap Yahdiana, Sutandyo Noorwati, and Mun'im Abdul , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6s, p.1549-1556, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.32 MB)
