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Utilization of Secondary Metabolites in Algae Kappaphycus alvarezii as a Breast Cancer Drug with a Computational Method, Dibha, AF, Wahyuningsih S, Ansori ANM, Kharisma VD, Widyananda MH, Parikesit AA, Sibero MT, Probojati RT, Murtadlo AAA, Trinugroho JP, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.536-543, (2022) PDF icon PDF (717.93 KB)
Vancomycin, Linezolid, and Ceftaroline In vitro Activity Against Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Isolates, Purwoningsih, Eny, Endraswari Pepy Dwi, and Widodo Agung Dwi Wahyu , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.671-674, (2022) PDF icon PDF (427.8 KB)
The Acute Toxicity of Ki Hampelas Leaves (Sterculia rubiginosa Zoll. Ex Miq), Prastiwi, Rini, Dewanti Ema, Mauliza Cut, Hidayati Ester, Anggraini Ita, Anggraini Riska, and Ladeska Vera , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.570-576, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.23 MB)
ADMET Prediction and In silico Analysis of Mangostin Derivatives and Sinensetin on Maltase-Glucoamylase Target for Searching Anti-Diabetes Drug Candidates, Prasetyanti, Intan Kris,, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.883-889, (2021) PDF icon PDF (581.4 KB)
Alterations in Body Weight, Blood Glucose Levels, and Lipid Profiles in High-Fat Diet-Low Dose Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats, Pratiwi, Raysa Y., Elya Berna, Setiawan Heri, Solawati Atini, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6s, p.1562-1567, (2021) PDF icon PDF (503.89 KB)
Analysis of Heavy Metal Contents of Marsilea crenata Presl. Leaves and Soils from East Java Province, Indonesia, Agil, Mangestuti, Laswati Hening, Purwitasari Neny, and Ma’arif Burhan , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.17-22, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.22 MB)
The Anthelmintic Activity of Cawat Anuman (Bauhinia Sp.) Leaves Against Ascaridia galli Worms, Panjaitan, Ruqiah Ganda Putr, Elisa Ela, and Wahyuni Eko Sri , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.626-630, (2021) PDF icon PDF (826.02 KB)
Anti-Cancer Potential of Nggorang Leaves Extract (Salvia Occidentalis SW.) as a Protein P53 Supressor in T47D Cells, Dewi, Sisilia Teresia Ro, Sabir M, Pakadang Sesilia Rante, Kamal Sainal Edi, and Sinala Santi , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1036-1045, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.6 MB)
Antidiabetic Activity of the Leaf Extract of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack. in Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide Induced Diabetic Model, Panjaitan, Ruqiah Ganda Putr, and Astuti Agus , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6s, p.1582-1588, (2021) PDF icon PDF (522.81 KB)
Anti-diabetic Activity of the Red Dragon Fruit Peel (Hylocereus polyrhizus) in Ethanol Extract against Diabetic Rats, Panjaitan, Ruqiah Ganda Putr, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1079-1085, (2021) PDF icon PDF (360.41 KB)
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cinnamon Bark Oil (Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume from Lombok Timur Indonesia, , Nurcholida Rosy Dwi, Primaharinastiti Riesta, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1005-1013, (2021) PDF icon PDF (4.75 MB)
Antioxidant Capacity of Chuquiraga Spinosa Less. "Huamanpinta" and Prevention of Carrageenan-Induced Inflammation in Mice, Justil-Guerrero, Hugo Jesús, Arroyo-Acevedo Jorge Luis, Rojas-Armas Juan Pedro, Pacheco Miriam Palomino-, Villena-Tejada Magaly, and Vílchez Wilmer Atilio Seg , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1287-1296, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.37 MB)
Azadirachta indica (Neem) Water Leaf Extract Inhibits Melanin Production and Tyrosinase Activity in B16F10 Melanoma Cells, Songtavisin, Thanitsara, Pratoomthai Benjamart, Gangnonngiw Warachin, and Naowaboot Jarinyaporn , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1030-1035, (2021) PDF icon PDF (601.03 KB)
Cardioprotective Role of Partharishtam on Isopreterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Animal Model, Narayanan, G., Prabhu K, Chaudhury Anath Bandhu, Rao Mudiganti Ram Krishn, Selvi V S. Kalai, Muthiah N S., and Dinakar Sruthi , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.591-595, (2021) PDF icon PDF (977.21 KB)
Chemical Composition and In Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity of the Total Alkaloids of the Bulbs of Two Amaryllidaceae Species from Northern Peru, Soto-Vásquez, Marilú Roxana, Pinedo Madeleine Vanessa Ho, Tallini Luciana R., and Bastida Jaume , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1046-1052, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.09 MB)
Compound Analysis and Genetic Study of Selected Plectranthus scutellarioides Varieties from Indonesia, Astuti, Ayun Dwi, Perdana Awaluddin Iwan, Natzir Rosdiana, Massi Muhammad Nasrum,, and Alam Gemini , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1516-1526, (2021) PDF icon PDF (3.09 MB)
Cytotoxicity Effect of the Pericarp Extracts of Garcinia forbesii King on MCF-7 Breast Cancer and HepG2 Liver Cancer Cell Lines, , Poerwono Hadi, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.226-229, (2021) PDF icon PDF (604.09 KB)
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Moringa Leaf (Moringa oleifera Lam) Against the Activity and Capacity of Phagocytosis of Macrofag Cells and the Percentage of Leukosit Cells of White Mice, Husni, Elidahanum, Badriyya Elsa, Putri Luqyana, and Aldi Yufri , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.706-712, (2021) PDF icon PDF (653.45 KB)
Effect of Tender Coconut Water (TCW) on TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 in Streptozotocin (STZ) and Nicotinamid (NA) Induced Diabetic Rats, Zulaikhah, Siti Thomas, Wahyuwibowo Joko, Suharto Mochammad Navi, Enggartiasto Bagus Haruno, Ortanto Mohammad Iqbal Raka, and Pratama Arrizki Azka , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.500-505, (2021) PDF icon PDF (441.3 KB)
Elastase Inhibitory Activity, Determination of Total Polyphenol and Determination of Total Flavonoids and Pharmacognosy Study of Faloak Plant (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) from East Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia, Radjah, Sofiah Yunita, Putri Kunia Sari Setio, and Elya Berna , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.758-764, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.91 MB)
Ethno-Medicinal Plants Used for Medication of Jaundice by The Chinese, Dayak, and Malays Ethnic in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, Panjaitan, Ruqiah Ganda Putr,, and Yuliana Yohanes Gatot Suta , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.916-923, (2021) PDF icon PDF (3.78 MB)
Evaluating the Antioxidant and Heavy Metal Content of Pleurotus ostreatus Mushrooms Cultivated using Sugar Cane Agro-Waste, Mkhize, Senzosenkosi Surprise, Simelane Mthokozisi Blessing C., Gasa Nothando Lovedale, and Pooe Ofentse Jacob , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.844-852, (2021) PDF icon PDF (766.29 KB)
Evaluation of Acute toxicity, In-vitro, In-vivo Antidiabetic Potential of the Flavonoid Fraction of the plant Chenopodium album L, Choudhary, Neeraj, Prabhakar Pranav Kumar, Khatik Gopal L., Chamakuri Subba Rao, Tewari Devesh, and Suttee Ashish , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.765-779, (2021) PDF icon PDF (10.14 MB)
Evaluation of Antihelmintic Activity of Indigenous Plants Found in India Including Butea Monosperma, Origanum Majorana, Piper Longum and Embelia Ribes And GC-MS Phytochemical Analysis of Plant Extracts, Giri, Kiran, Singh Aradhana, Palandurkar Kamlesh M., Banerjee Tuhina, and Chaurasia Satish , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1464-1471, (2021) PDF icon PDF (988.94 KB)
Evaluation of the Anticonvulsant, Anxiolytic, Sedative, and Neuroprotective Activities of Polysaccharides from Mycelium of Two Ganoderma Species, Nunez-Urquiza, Veronica, Villeda-Hernandez Juana, Montiel-Arcos Elizur, Tello Isaac, Campos-Pena Victoria, Herrera-Ruiz Maribel, Gutiérrez María del Carmen, Petricevich Vera, Santana María Angélica, Navarro Martha, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1161-1173, (2021) PDF icon PDF (5.28 MB)
