Published Articles

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Phytochemical and Antidiabetic Evaluation of the Methanolic Stem Bark Extract of Spathodea campanulata (P. Beauv.) Bignoniaceae, Kihdze, Tanayen Julius, Mayowa Ajayi Abayomi, Joseph Oloro, OC Ezeonwumelu Joseph, Ghaife Tanayen Grace, Bulus Adzu, van Aerschot Arthur, Laekeman Gert, and Ganafa Agaba Amon , Pharmacognosy Journal, Jan/2016, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.243-249, (2016) PDF icon PDF (179.22 KB)
Phytochemical and In vitro Antidiabetic Activity of Psidium Guajava Leaves, Manikandan, Ramasamy, Anand Arumugam Vijaya, Kumar Sampath, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.392-394, (2016) PDF icon PDF (245.61 KB)
Phytochemical Evaluation of Polyherbal Formulation of Clinacanthus nutans and Elephantopus scaber to Identify Flavonoids, Aslam, Muhammad Shahzad, Ahmad Muhammad Syarhabil, and Mamat Awang Soh , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2016, Volume 8, Issue 6, p.534-541, (2016) PDF icon PDF (515.31 KB)
Phytopharmacological overview of Psidium guajava Linn., Anand, Vijaya,, Kumar Vijaya, Kumar Sampath,, and Hedina Agaath , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.314-320, (2016) PDF icon PDF (280.69 KB)
Phytopharmacological overview of Terminalia chebula Retz, Hedina, Agaath, Kotti Punniya, Kausar Juveriyah,, and Anand Vijaya , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.307-309, (2016) PDF icon PDF (166.47 KB)
Pharmacognostic and free radical scavenging Evaluation of Cyathula prostata l. (Blume), Sonibare, Mubo Adeola, and Olatubosun Oluwaseun Victoria , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Dec, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.107-116, (2015)
Pharmacognostic and free radical scavenging Evaluation of Cyathula prostata (Blume) L., Sonibare, Mubo Adeola, and Olatubosun Oluwaseun Victoria , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.107-116, (2015) PDF icon Phcog J_7_2_05.pdf (790.19 KB)
Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Indigenous Medicinal Plant Kedrostis foetidissima (Jacq.) Cogn., R, Kavitha, CV Chittibabu, and TS Subha , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Nov, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.52-57, (2015)
Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Indigenous Medicinal Plant Kedrostis foetidissima (Jacq.) Cogn, R, Kavitha, CV Chittibabu, and TS Subha , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.52-57, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.03 MB)
Pharmacognostic specifications and quantification of oleanolic acid and lupeol in Mollugo oppositifolia Linn., Modi, Karuna, and Shah Mamta , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.83-88, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.05 MB)
Pharmacognostic specifications and quantification of oleanolic acid and lupeol in Mollugo oppositifolia Linn., Modi, Karuna, and Shah Mamta , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Dec, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.83-88, (2015)
Pharmacognostic Studies and In Vitro Antioxidant Potential of Traditional Polyherbal Formulation of West Sikkim with Asparagus Spp, Subba, Arunika, and Mandal Palash , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.348-355, (2015) PDF icon PDF (633.58 KB)
Pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluation of Ventilago calyculata Tul. (Bark), Shweta, Kumar, N Balakrishnan, K Lakshmi P., A Toppo F., A Toppo F., and RS Pawar , Pharmacognosy Journal, 29th Apr, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.1-1, (2015)
Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical evaluation of Ventilago calyculata Tul. (Bark), Kumar, Shweta, Natarajan Balakrishnan, Kanakamma Lakshmi Puthanpara, Ashish Toppo Fedelic, and Pawar Rajesh Singh , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.271-275, (2015) PDF icon PDF (805.69 KB)
Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations on fruit of Vaccinium macrocarpon aiton, Khaneja, Manisha, and Gupta Sumeet , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.333-338, (2015) PDF icon PDF (821.41 KB)
Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigations on fruit of Vaccinium macrocarpon aiton, M, Bhatia, S Gupta, and A Sharma , Pharmacognosy Journal, 9th June 2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.5-5, (2015)
Pharmacognostical Standardisation and HPTLC Quantification of Gallic acid in Homonoia riparia Lour, Xavier, Seena Kanniparam, Devkar Raviraj Anand, Chaudhary Shilpee, Shreedhara Chandrashekara Shastry, and Setty Manganahalli Manjunath , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.383-388, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.59 MB)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, Ramachandra Yerappa Lakshmikan, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal , 8th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015) PDF icon PDF (733.95 KB)
Phytochemical and analytical evaluation of Cordia dichotoma Linn. leaves, Rahman, Md. Azizur, and Hussain Arshad , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.58-63, (2015) PDF icon PDF (784.79 KB)
Phytochemical and analytical evaluation of Cordia dichotoma Linn. leaves, Rahman, Md Azizur, and Hussain Arshad , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Nov, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.58-63, (2015)
Phytochemicals Having Neuroprotective Properties from Dietary Sources and Medicinal Herbs, G Kumar, Phani, Anilakumar K.R., and Naveen S. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Nov, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.01-17, (2015)
Phytochemicals Having Neuroprotective Properties from Dietary Sources and Medicinal Herbs, G Kumar, Phani, kumar K R. Anila, and Naveen S , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.1-17, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.13 MB)
Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Activities and Intellectual Property Landscape of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis: a Review, Phatak, Rohan Sharadanan , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.254-265, (2015) PDF icon PDF (705.84 KB)
Phytochemistry, pharmacological activities and intellectual property landscape of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis: a review, , Pharmacognosy Journal, 9th June 2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.7-7, (2015)
