ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2024,16,4,960-965.DOI:10.5530/pj.2024.16.155Published:August 2024Type:Review ArticleCadre Assistance in Improving the Nutritional Status of Two Years Baby: A Literature ReviewRamli Ramli, Muhammad Syafar, Veni Hadju, Aminuddin Syam, and Anwar Mallongi Ramli Ramli1,2*, Muhammad Syafar1, Veni Hadju1, Aminuddin Syam1, Anwar Mallongi1 1Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, INDONESIA. 2Faculty of Public Health Tompotika Luwuk University, INDONESIA. Abstract: Background: The Health Law mandates that efforts to improve community nutrition aim to improve the nutritional quality of individuals and society. Indonesia is still a country with a fairly high category of nutritional problems. Very underweight badgers were 1.2% and underweight badgers were 5.2%. Overcoming nutritional problems must involve various parties in society, one of the community parties who plays an important role in overcoming nutritional problems for toddlers is health cadres in the village, especially nutritional problems for toddlers. Objective: to identify and explain scientific evidence regarding Mentoring Efforts by Cadres to improve Nutrition for Baduta and strengthen the theoretical basis that can support solving the problem being researched. Method: Using online journal databases that can be accessed in PDF form, namely, Pubmed, Elsevier/Scopus, Crossref and Google Scholar. Other sources such as textbooks, national health reports, and dissertations. The search included studies published in the last 10 years (2012–2022). Using keywords (Kader, Nutrition Baduta, Posyandu Cadre, Cadre, Health Workers, Nutrition Health Workers). Appropriate articles were then entered into Mendeley. Results: Conclusion: Assistance to cadres can increase cadres' knowledge and skills in improving nutrition for children, especially toddlers and toddlers. Mentoring and empowering cadres is carried out using various methods such as counseling, training, using various tools and media. Keywords:Baduta Nutrition, Cadres, Mentoring, Two years baby., underweightView:PDF (262.38 KB) PDF Images Cadre Assistance in Improving the Nutritional Status of Two Years Baby: A Literature Review ‹ Application-based Reproductive Health Education on Reproductive Health Risk Behavior among Adolescents in Ternate City up Health Action Process Approach in Non-Communicable Diseases: A Systematic Review ›