ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2024,16,6,1349-1354.DOI:10.5530/pj.2024.16.217Published:December 2024Type:Research ArticleVDR and WNT/β-catenin Expression in Invasive Breast Carcinoma of No Special Type: Role and Prognostic ValueDewi Sartika Ari Wanda, Willy Sandhika, and Ridholia Dewi Sartika Ari Wanda1,2, Willy Sandhika1,2*, Ridholia1,2 1Department of Anatomic Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, INDONESIA. 2Medical Staff at Anatomic Pathology Laboratory, Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, INDONESIA. Abstract:Background: Breast cancer prognosis is closely related to tumor size (T stage). The Vitamin D receptor (VDR), found in about 80% of breast cancer cases, inhibits tumor growth, promotes differentiation, and enhances apoptosis. The growth of tumor cells is linked to β-Catenin, an essential element of the Wnt signaling pathway. Both β-catenin and VDR affect breast cancer aggressiveness. This study explored their correlation with the T stage of invasive breast carcinoma of no special type. Methods: This research employed a cross-sectional design, applied on paraffin-embedded specimens from patients with invasive breast cancer of no special type (NST) who underwent modified radical mastectomy (MRM) at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital from January 2019 to June 2023. The samples were categorized into four groups based on the T stage. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using VDR and β-catenin antibodies. This study used analytic statistical methods to examine differences and correlations among VDR and β-catenin. Results: VDR expression and T stages were significantly different and negatively correlated. Expression of β-Catenin revealed significant differences and had positive correlations with T stages. VDR and β-catenin expressed no significant negative correlation with T stages. Conclusion: The study found significant differences and correlations between VDR and β-catenin expression with T stages in invasive breast carcinoma of NST. Both β-catenin and VDR play crucial roles in breast cancer cell proliferation. Keywords:Breast cancer, Invasive breast carcinoma of no special type, Vitamin D Receptor, β-cateninView:PDF (601.14 KB) PDF Images VDR expression in invasive breast carcinoma of NST tumor cells. (A) Weak positive expression, 400x magnification (B) Moderate positive expression, 200x magnification (C) Strong positive expression, 200x magnification ‹ Plants with Antidiabetic Efficacy among the Dayak Bidayuh Community, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia up Antioxidant Activity of Senna (Senna alexandrina MILL.) Leaf Extracts ›