ArticleViewAbstractPharmacognosy Journal,2025,17,1,40-46.DOI:10.5530/pj.2025.17.5Published:January 2025Type:Original ArticlePreconception Posyandu Performance Assessment Instrument with Europan Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) Method: Indicators, Validity and ReliabilityFitrianty Sutadi Lanyumba, Muhammad Syafar, Darmawansyah D, Apik Indarty Moedjiono, Healthy Hidayanty, Wahiduddin W, Faizal Fahmi, Anang S Otoluwa, and Anwar Mallongi 1Doctoral Program, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 2Department of Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 3Department of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 4Department of Biostatistics and Demographics, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 5Department of Nutritionist, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 6Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 7Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, INDONESIA. 8BKKBN Department, South Sulawesi Province, INDONESIA. 9Health Department, Gorontalo Province, INDONESIA. 10Faculty of Public Health, Tompotika University Luwuk Banggai, INDONESIA. Abstract:Preconception Posyandu is one of the preconception women's health services created to help reduce MMR, IMR and stunting prevalence in Banggai District. This study aims to create a performance assessment instrument for the Preconception Posyandu so that it can maintain the existence of the service. The development of performance assessment indicators through Focus Discussion Group (FGD) activities using the Europan Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) method consists of using 9 variables. We involved 30 village midwives and 30 preconception women at three health centers within Luwuk City to test the performance assessment instrument. Internal reliability was assessed with Cronbach's alpha and criterion validity. The performance appraisal instrument using the EFQM method obtained development results, namely from 52 indicator questions made into 92 questions, then after testing the validity of the instrument, 81 questions were declared valid and 11 questions were invalid. The results of Cronbach's alpha value, there are 5 variables with strong reliability (alpha> 0.80), namely leadership variables, strategic policies, staff management and partnerships and resources, while there is 1 variable with perfect reliability (alpha> 0.90), namely process variables, and 3 variables with sufficient reliability (alpha > 0.70), namely performance outcome variables, customer satisfaction and impact on society. The questions generated from the development of indicators can be used to measure performance. The service of the Preconception Posyandu Program that has been running so far, this is evidenced by the average value of the reliability test which is 0.83, which means strong reliability. Keywords:EFQM, Instrument, Performance Appraisal, Preconception Health PostView:PharmacognJ-17-1-40.pdf (180.58 KB) PDF Images Preconception Posyandu Performance Assessment Instrument with Europan Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) Method: Indicators, Validity and Reliability ‹ Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cream Extracts and VEGF Expression on Incision Wounds in Male Wistar Rats Treated with Ethanol Extracts of Papaya Leaf, Fruit Flesh, and Seeds (Carica Papaya L.) up The In-Vitro Antiviral Activity of Carissa Edulis, Tulbaghia Acutiloba, and Tetradenia Riparia on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 ›