Published Articles

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Elucidating the Use of the Plant Paeonia Anomala from the Ancient Medical Books Kept in Mongolia, Tudev, Ariunjargal, Enkhtur Sansarkhuyag, Luvsan Khurelbaatar, Gendaram Odontuya, Sharav Bold, and Lkhamsuren Ulambayar , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1163-1165, (2023) PDF icon PDF (296.82 KB)
Elucidating the Uses of the Plant Veronica Incana from the Ancient Medical Books, Enkhtur, Sansarkhuyag, Tudev Ariunjargal, Dagdanbazar Tungalag, Erdenechimeg Selenge, Gendaram Odontuya, Lkhamsuren Ulambayar, and Sharav Bold , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.901-904, (2023) PDF icon PDF (1.38 MB)
Immunomodulatory and Acute Toxicity Tests of Rhizome Ethanol Extract of Etlingera Flexuosa Poulsen (Zingiberaceae) on Male Mice (Mus Musculus), Pitopang, Ramadanil, Lubis Nadhirah Nur Azizah, Zubair Mifthahul Jannah Tah, Banilai Puti Andalusia,, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1077-1083, (2023) PDF icon PharmacognJ-15-6-1077.pdf (2.62 MB)
Immunomodulatory and Antiallergic Potentials of the Bioactive Compounds of Ginger, Lalruatfela, B., Lalthanpu, ii P. B., Lalrinmawia C., and Lalchhandama K. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1166-1176, (2023) PDF icon PDF (2.28 MB)
Immunomodulatory and Antiallergic Potentials of the Bioactive Compounds of Ginger, Lalruatfela, B., Lalthanpu, ii P. B., Lalrinmawia C., and Lalchhandama K. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1166-1176, (2023) PDF icon PDF (2.28 MB)
Immunomodulatory and Antiallergic Potentials of the Bioactive Compounds of Ginger, Lalruatfela, B., Lalthanpu, ii P. B., Lalrinmawia C., and Lalchhandama K. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1166-1176, (2023) PDF icon PDF (2.28 MB)
Immunomodulatory and Antiallergic Potentials of the Bioactive Compounds of Ginger, Lalruatfela, B., Lalthanpu, ii P. B., Lalrinmawia C., and Lalchhandama K. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1166-1176, (2023) PDF icon PDF (2.28 MB)
In Silico Study on the Inhibition of Sitogluside from Clove Plant (Syzygium aromaticum) on Interleukin 2 in B and T Cell Proliferation, Rosalina, Linda, Purnamasari Devi, Verawati Rismi, Suryani Okta, Ghifari Muhammad Arya, Lubis Amalia Putri, Zainul Rahadian, Mandeli Riso Sari, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Jakhmola Vikash, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.575-580, (2023) PDF icon PDF (1.24 MB)
In Silico Study on the Potential of Guaiacol Extract from Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) as a Stimulant for Carbanoic Anhydrase II in Renal Tubular Acidosis, Zainul, Rahadian, Verawati Rismi, Suprijono Agus, Mandeli Riso Sari, Wulandari Asri Peni, Novaliendry Dony,, Rosalina Linda, Ghifari Muhammad Arya, Lubis Amalia Putri, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.494-499, (2023) PDF icon PDF (761.24 KB)
The Influence of Vitamin D3 Administration on the Levels of CGRP, Glutamate, and NLRP3 during the Ictal Phase in Chronic Migraine Patients, Susanti, Restu, Syafrita Yuliarni,, Rita Rauza Sukma, Darwin Eryati, Lipoeto Nur Indrawaty, Ali Hirowati, and Anggraini Fika Tri , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1052-1058, (2023) PDF icon PDF (417.88 KB)
Interaction of Masilinic Acid from Clove Plant (Syzygium aromaticum) with CD81 Antigen in Inhibiting HIV Virus Regulation In Silico, Zainul, Rahadian, Yanuarti Elsa, Amiroch Siti, Albari Muhammad Thoriq, Verawati Rismi, Lubis Amalia Putri, and Murtadlo AAA , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.484-488, (2023) PDF icon PDF (804.1 KB)
Intravitreal Resveratrol as Anti Apoptotic Agent Against Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss in Ischemic Reperfusion Injury, Prasetya, Amelia Shinta, Komaratih Evelyn, Sasono Wimbo, Chrysanti Mercia, Larasati Maria Debora Nik, and I Sudiana Ketut , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1207-1212, (2023) PDF icon PDF (591.85 KB)
Knowledge and Perception of the Risk of Respiration Disorders in COVID-19 Pandemic in COPD Patient: A Mixed-Method Study, Lorensia, Amelia, Suryadinata Rivan Virlando, and Prawitasari Dita Sukmaya , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.801-810, (2023) PDF icon PDF (817.41 KB)
Molecular Docking of Thaflavine from Camellia sinensis in Inhibiting B-Cell Lymphoma Through BCl2 Apoptosis Regulator: An In Silico Study, Zainul, Rahadian, Verawati Rismi, Satriawan Herland, Wargasetia Teresa Liliana, Purnamasari Devi, Lubis Amalia Putri,, Mandeli Riso Sari, Albari Muhammad Thoriq, Kharisma Viol Dhea, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.500-505, (2023) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Nonmotoric Symptoms Scale (NMSS) Validity and Reliability Test in Patients with Parkinson's Disease in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia: A Questioner Validation Study, Hamdan, Muhammad, Nugraha Priya, Librata Pramitha Nayana, and Cecilia Cindy , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.316-320, (2023) PDF icon PDF (317.66 KB)
Optimization of Osteopontin Recombinant Protein as a Candidate Supplementation for Semen Preservation, Hernawati, Tatik, Lestari Tita Damayanti, Utama Suzanita, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.668-673, (2023) PDF icon PDF (1.08 MB)
Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Luma Chequen (Molina) A. Gray from Peru, Díaz-Uribe, Julio Luis, Salazar-Salvatierra María Elena, Ruiz-Quiroz Julio Reynaldo, Calderon Oscar Herrera-, Loyola-Gonzales Eddie, Tataje-Napuri Freddy Emilio, and Kong-Chirinos José Francisco , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.777-780, (2023) PDF icon PDF (1.08 MB)
Phytochemical Screening and Antiinflammatory Activity of the Extract from the Leaves of Desmodium molliculum (Kunth) DC (Fabaceae) in Rats with Acute Inflammation, Olascuaga-Castillo, Karyn, Castillo-Medina Olga, Villacorta-Zavaleta Marleni, Sarmiento Dan Altamirano, Caceres-Andonaire Elena, Llontop Maria, Malca Fatima, Noe Sebastian, and Blanco-Olano Cyntia , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.786-790, (2023) PDF icon PDF (271.8 KB)
The Role of Cyclooxigenase-2 Inhibitor in Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Literature Review, Sari, Maylita, Misalina Kartika, and M. Listiawan Yulianto , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2023, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.233-238, (2023) PDF icon PDF (852.86 KB)
Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents, Anti-tyrosinase and Antioxidant Activities of Pachyrhizus erosus Extracts, Laovachirasuwan, Pornpun, and Phadungkit Methin , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.839-842, (2023) PDF icon PDF (575.07 KB)
Alpha-Mangostin Enhances Proliferation in Sorafenib-Surviving HepG2 Liver Cancer Cells by Increasing Anti-Apoptosis and Antioxidant Markers Expressions, Louisa, Melva, Annisa Meuthia Faralita, Basuki Pamela, Lauren Brigitta Cindy, and Adenina Syarinta , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.584-590, (2022) PDF icon PDF (880.51 KB)
Alpha-Mangostin Enhances Proliferation in Sorafenib-Surviving HepG2 Liver Cancer Cells by Increasing Anti-Apoptosis and Antioxidant Markers Expressions, Louisa, Melva, Annisa Meuthia Faralita, Basuki Pamela, Lauren Brigitta Cindy, and Adenina Syarinta , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.584-590, (2022) PDF icon PDF (880.51 KB)
Ameliorative Effects of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam.) Leaves Extract on Lead-Induced Oxidative Stress, Hepcidin and δ-Alad Levels in Rat’s Blood, Laksana, Agung Saprasetya, Notopuro Harianto, and Mustika Arifa , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.856-862, (2022) PDF icon PDF (303.59 KB)
Antioxidant Activity of DPPH, CUPRAC, and FRAP Methods, as well as Activity of Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibiting Enzymes from Tinospora crispa (L.) Stem Ultrasonic Extract, Irawan, Candra, Putri Imalia Dwi, Sukiman Maman, Utami Andita,, Putri Ratna Komala, Lisandi Anisa, and Pratama Andrean Nur , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.511-520, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1013.78 KB)
Antioxidants, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content and Toxicity Assay of Ampelas (Tetracera macrophylla Wall.Ex Hook.F.& Thoms) From Kalimantan-Indonesia, Ladeska, Vera, Elya Berna, Hanafi Muhammad, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.642-648, (2022) PDF icon PDF (1.23 MB)
