Published Articles

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Effects of standardized stem bark extract of Mangifera indica L. in wistar rats with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-induced haemolytic anaemia, Sani, Hassan Lawal, Malami Ibrahim, Hassan Sanusi Wara, Alhassan Alhassan Muhammad, Halilu Mshelia Emmanuel, and Muhammad Aliyu , Pharmacognosy Journal, 04/2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.89-96, (2015) PDF icon Phcog J_7_2_02.pdf (2.06 MB)
Effects of standardized stem bark extract of Mangifera indica L. in Wister rats with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-induced haemolytic anaemia, Sani, Hassan Lawal, Malami Ibrahim, Hassan Sanusi Wara, and Alhassan Alhassan Muhammad , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Dec, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.89-96, (2015)
Effects of standardized stem bark extract of Mangifera indica L. in wistar rats with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-induced haemolytic anaemia, Sani, Hassan Lawal, Malami Ibrahim, Hassan Sanusi Wara, Alhassan Alhassan Muhammad, Halilu Mshelia Emmanuel, and Muhammad Aliyu , Pharmacognosy Journal, 04/2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.89-96, (2015) PDF icon Phcog J_7_2_02.pdf (2.06 MB)
Free Radical Scavenging and Cytotoxic Potential of Celosia argentea, Rub, Rukhsana Abdul, Patil Manohar Janardhan, Siddiqui Areej Abdul, Ghorpade Priyanka Rambhau, and Moghe Alpana Subhod , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.191-197, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.05 MB)
Free Radical Scavenging and Cytotoxic Potential of Celosia argentea, Rub, Rukhsana Abdul, Patil Manohar Janardhan, Siddiqui Areej Abdul, Ghorpade Priyanka Rambhau, and Moghe Alpana Subhod , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09th Mar, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.191-197, (2015)
GC-MS Analysis of Phytocomponents in, Pet Ether Fraction of Wrightia tinctoria Seed, Srivastava, Rajani, and Verma Amita , Pharmacognosy Journal, Jul-Aug 2015, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.249-253, (2015) PDF icon PDF (659.56 KB)
GC-MS Analysis of Phytocomponents in, Pet Ether Fraction of Wrightia tinctoria Seed., Srivastava, Rajani, Mukerjee Alok, and Verma Amita , Pharmacognosy Journal, 29th Apr, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.249-253, (2015)
Hepatoprotective effect of Livplus-A polyherbal formulation, Maheshwari, Rajesh, Pandya Bhagyashree, Balaraman Ramachandran, Seth Avinash Kumar, Yadav Yogesh Chand, and Sankar Vasa Siva , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.311-316, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.25 MB)
Hepatoprotective effect of Quail egg against carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced hepatic damage in albino rats, Umar, Dandare Shamsudeen, Muhammad Bawa, Zubairu Wasagu Ibrahim, and Faruk Magaji Umar , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.102-106, (2015) PDF icon PDF (866.9 KB)
Hepatoprotective Effect of Quail Egg Against Carbontetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Hepatic Damage in Albino Rats, Umar, Dandare Shamsudeen, Muhammad Bawa, Zubairu Wasagu Ibrahim, and Faruk Magaji Umar , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Dec, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.102-106, (2015)
In vitro study of anti-glycation and radical scavenging activities of the essential oils of three plants from Morocco: Origanum compactum, Rosmarinus officinalis and Pelargonium asperum, Btissam, Ramdan, Raja Ramdan, Amina Amakran, Brigitte Vannier, and Mohamed NHIRI , Pharmacognosy Journal, 8th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.124-135, (2015)
In vitro study of anti-glycation and radical scavenging activities of the essential oils of three plants from Morocco: Origanum compactum, Rosmarinus officinalis and Pelargonium asperum, Btissam, Ramdan, Amina Amakran, and Mohamed NHIRI , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.124-135, (2015) PDF icon PDF (684.63 KB)
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seed extract exhibits fibrino(geno)lytic activity, Gangaraju, Sowmyashree, Manjappa Bhagyalakshmi, Subbaiah Girish Kesturu, Kempaiah Kemparaju, Shashidharamurthy Rangaiah, Plow Jane Hoover, Martin Sebastin Santhosh, Shinde Manohar, and Sannaningaiah Devaraja , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.171-177, (2015) PDF icon PDF (888.94 KB)
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seed extract exhibits fibrino(geno)lytic activity, Gangaraju, Sowmyashree, Manjappa Bhagyalakshmi, Subbaiah Girish Kesturu, and Kempaiah Kemparaju , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09th Mar, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.171-177, (2015)
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seed extract exhibits fibrino(geno)lytic activity, Gangaraju, Sowmyashree, Manjappa Bhagyalakshmi, Subbaiah Girish Kesturu, Kempaiah Kemparaju, Shashidharamurthy Rangaiah, Plow Jane Hoover, Martin Sebastin Santhosh, Shinde Manohar, and Sannaningaiah Devaraja , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 3, p.171-177, (2015) PDF icon PDF (888.94 KB)
Pharmacognostic specifications and quantification of oleanolic acid and lupeol in Mollugo oppositifolia Linn., Modi, Karuna, and Shah Mamta , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.83-88, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1.05 MB)
Pharmacognostic specifications and quantification of oleanolic acid and lupeol in Mollugo oppositifolia Linn., Modi, Karuna, and Shah Mamta , Pharmacognosy Journal, 27th Dec, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.83-88, (2015)
Pharmacognostic Studies and In Vitro Antioxidant Potential of Traditional Polyherbal Formulation of West Sikkim with Asparagus Spp, Subba, Arunika, and Mandal Palash , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.348-355, (2015) PDF icon PDF (633.58 KB)
Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigations on fruit of Vaccinium macrocarpon aiton, M, Bhatia, S Gupta, and A Sharma , Pharmacognosy Journal, 9th June 2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.5-5, (2015)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, Ramachandra Yerappa Lakshmikan, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal , 8th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015) PDF icon PDF (733.95 KB)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, Ramachandra Yerappa Lakshmikan, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal , 8th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015)
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities of wood rotting fungi, Trametes ochracea, Melappa, Govindappa, Roshan Ara, Nithi Chanduri, Mohummed Thouseef Syed,, and Poojari Chandrappa Chinna , Pharmacognosy Journal, Mar-Apr 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.136-146, (2015) PDF icon PDF (733.95 KB)
Tannin components and inhibitory activity of Kakadu plum leaf extracts against microbial triggers of autoimmune inflammatory diseases, Courtney, R, Sirdaarta J, Matthews B, and Cock I E. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.18-31, (2015) PDF icon PDF (824.83 KB)
Anti-Anemia Effect of Standardized Extract of Moringa Oleifera Lamk. Leaves on Aniline Induced Rats, Mun’im, Abdul, Puteri Meidi Utami, Sari Santi Purna, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2016, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.255-258, (2016) PDF icon PDF (151.29 KB)
