Published Articles

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Antidepressant-Like Effects of Dracocephalum moldavica L. in Mouse Models of Immobility Tests, Zuniga, Marcos Ignacio Ji, Mariles Alejandro Jonathan H., Flores Jose Luis Castr, Herrera Jose Antonio Mo, Sotelo Maria Guadalupe, Montes Genaro Ivan Ceron, and Gomez y Gomez Yolanda de las Mer , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.976-983, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.08 MB)
Antidepressant-Like Effects of Dracocephalum moldavica L. in Mouse Models of Immobility Tests, Zuniga, Marcos Ignacio Ji, Mariles Alejandro Jonathan H., Flores Jose Luis Castr, Herrera Jose Antonio Mo, Sotelo Maria Guadalupe, Montes Genaro Ivan Ceron, and Gomez y Gomez Yolanda de las Mer , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.976-983, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.08 MB)
Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Murraya koenigii Leaves Methanolic and Aqueous Extracts on Serum Lipid Profile of High Fat-Fructose Fed Rats, Phatak, Rohan S., Khanwelkar Chitra C., Matule Somnath M., Datkhile Kailas D., and Hendre Anup S. , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4, p.836-841, (2019) PDF icon PDF (221.5 KB)
Anti-Inflammatory and Neurobehavioral Effects of the Leaves from Maytenus macrocarpa (Ruiz and Pavon) Briquet in Mice, Elmer, Luján-Carpio, Henry Medina-Salazar, Alexander Mayor-Vega, Karola Medrano-Canchari, María Mazuelos-Rivas, Zaida Lizarraga-Castañeda, Carlos Pante-Medina, and Alberto Salazar-Granara , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.75-80, (2019) PDF icon PDF (947.53 KB)
Antimicrobial and Antidiarrheal Activities of Methanolic Fruit Peel Extract of Pouteria caimito, MM, Abreu, De A Nobrega P., PF Sales, FRDe Oliveira, and AA Nascimento , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.944-950, (2019) PDF icon PDF (900.13 KB)
Antiplasmodial Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Macaranga Gigantea Leaf and Its Major Constituent, Muhaimin, Muhaimin, Yusnaidar Yusnaidar, Syahri Wilda, Latief Madyawati, Putri Riski Dwimalida, Utami Andita, Chaerunisaa Anis Yohana, Aditama Andreas Yoga, and Siregar Josephine Elizabeth , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.1181-1188, (2019) PDF icon PDF (522.41 KB)
Antiplasmodial Activity of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Mangrove Plants against Plasmodium berghei, Muhaimin, Muhaimin, Latief Madyawati, Putri Riski Dwimalida, Chaerunisaa Anis Yohana, Aditama Andreas Yoga, Pravitasari Normalita Eka, and Siregar Josephine Elizabeth , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.929-935, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.6 MB)
Antitumor and Antioxidant Effects of Flavonoid Fraction of Citrus sinensis peel Extract, Shirisha, Godishala, Mandava Kiranmai, Batchu Uma Rajeswari, Thammana Kesava Rao, and Turpu Vijaya Laxmi , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.57-63, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.55 MB)
Assessment of Phyto-Constituents by GC-MS and Anti-Tumour Activity of Garlic Grown in Different Altitude: A Comparative Study, Antony, Susha, Kumar Kunnambath Krishna, and Menon Jalaja Sudhi , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2, p.350-354, (2019) PDF icon PDF (489.16 KB)
Betel Leaf Extract Amends Dehydroepiandrosterone Induced PCOS Related Hormonal Abnormality and Histopathological Alterations in Rat Model, Sunand, K, Yellow Mahipal, Naveen P, Deepika Yasho, G Mohan Krishna, and Bakshi Vasudha , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1442-1448, (2019) PDF icon PDF (3.03 MB)
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil Isolated from the Leaves of Achillea fragrantissima Growing Wild in Yemen, Mansi, Iman, Ali Nasser A. Awadh, Mhaidat Nizar M., Hussain Khaled, Al-kaf Ali G., Anwar Sirajudheen, and Setzer William N. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1077-1081, (2019) PDF icon PDF (708.62 KB)
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil Isolated from the Leaves of Achillea fragrantissima Growing Wild in Yemen, Mansi, Iman, Ali Nasser A. Awadh, Mhaidat Nizar M., Hussain Khaled, Al-kaf Ali G., Anwar Sirajudheen, and Setzer William N. , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1077-1081, (2019) PDF icon PDF (708.62 KB)
Chemical Constituents and Antifungal Activity of Leaf Essential Oil from Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem. (Pumamaki), Endemic Plant of Ecuador, Noriega, Paco, Vergara Bryan, Carillo Carlos, and Mosquera Tatiana , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1544-1548, (2019) PDF icon PDF (503.48 KB)
Chemical Constituents and Anti-Ulcer Activity of Ethylacetate Extract of the Leaves of Sanchezia nobilis Hook.F., Duc, Loi Vu, Thi Xuan Bui, and Minh Ngoc Tran , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.1172-1180, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.48 MB)
Chemical Standardization of Thetran Vithai Kutinir Chooranam-An Antidiabetic Siddha Polyherbal Formulation, P, Elankani, S Murugammal, R Shakila, M Pitchiahkumar, and.Kabilan N , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1106-1113, (2019) PDF icon PDF (2.77 MB)
Comparative Antioxidant Activities of Selected Apiaceous Plants Using EPR Technique, Emad, Ayat M., Ali Sherifa F., Meselhy Meselhy R., and Sattar Essam A. , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.1359-1364, (2019) PDF icon PDF (421.12 KB)
Comparative Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Ethanolic Extract of Leaf, Bark and Flower of Tecoma stans with Ibuprofen- An In vitro Analysis, SK, Swarna, MS Nivedhitha, V Vishnu Priya, R Gayathri, J Selvaraj, K Madhan, and B Shyamala Devi , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1088-1092, (2019) PDF icon PDF (641.24 KB)
Comparative Studies Between Mauritia flexuosa and Mauritiella armata, Royo, Vanessa de Andrade, Rocha Juliana Almeida, Santos Kamylla Teixeira, Freitas Jeane Ferreira L., Almeida Clarice Avelar, Ribeiro Bianca, Menezes Elytania Veiga, de Oliveira Dario Alves, Brandão Murilo Malveira, and Júnior Afranio Farias de , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2018, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.32-36, (2019) PDF icon PDF (431.64 KB)
Comparative Study for the Volatile Oil Constituents and Antimicrobial Activity of Rhanterium epapposum Oliv. Growing in Qassim, Saudi Arabia, Mohammed, Hamdoon Abdelhamid, Al-Omer Mohsen Saleh, Ahmed Adel Mohammed, Hashish Nadia Elbialy, Alsaedi Hasan Meshal, Alghazy Suliman Abdulaziz, and Abdellatif Ahmed Abdelfatta , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.195-199, (2019) PDF icon PDF (427.95 KB)
Comparative Study of the Effects of Annona muricata and Tapinanthus globiferus Extracts on Biochemical Indices of Diabetic Rats, FO, Atanu, OJ Avwioroko, OB Ilesanmi, and M Oguche , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2018, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.1365-1370, (2019) PDF icon PDF (661.67 KB)
Comparison of Fatty Acid Profiling and RBC Membrane Stabilization Activity of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides and Hippophae salicifolia) Seed Oil, Dubey, Suchita, Ramana M.V., and Mishra Anuradha , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.200, (2019) PDF icon PDF (132.34 KB)
Difference of Acidic Adding Effect in Ethanol Extraction of White Mulberry Stem Bark (Morus alba) and DPP-4 Inhibiting Activity Screening for Identifying its Antidiabetic Potential, Agusfina, Muhajri, Saputri Fadlina Chany, Sakti Aditya Sindu, and Mun’im Abdul , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4, p.790-795, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.13 MB)
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Liquorice (G. Glabra L) in Treatment of Stress Induced Gastric Ulcer in Wistar Rats, Mathur, Saksham, Philipose Cheryl Sarah, and B Ganaraja , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1526-1531, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.52 MB)
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Some Pharmacological Properties and Microbial Activities of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn.) Seeds, Syahdi, Rezi Riadhi, Sakti Aditya Sindu, Kristiyanto Agung, Redmawati Riky, and Mun’im Abdul , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.177-182, (2019) PDF icon PDF (528.55 KB)
Effect of Ocimum sanctum Leaf Extract on Entero-Insular Axis by Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Albino Rats, SD, Inbaraj, and M Muniappan , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1138-1142, (2019) PDF icon PDF (256.59 KB)
