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The Effect of Family-Based Empowerment in Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Elementary School Children in Kupang, Mado, Fransiskus Geroda, Jafar Nurhaedar, Muis Masyta, Maria Ida Leida, Syafar Muhammad,, Arifin Muhammad Alwi, Mallongi Anwar, Sudargo Toto, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.428-434, (2023) PDF icon PDF (203.26 KB)
The Effect of Family-Based Empowerment in Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Elementary School Children in Kupang, Mado, Fransiskus Geroda, Jafar Nurhaedar, Muis Masyta, Maria Ida Leida, Syafar Muhammad,, Arifin Muhammad Alwi, Mallongi Anwar, Sudargo Toto, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.428-434, (2023) PDF icon PDF (203.26 KB)
The Effect of Family-Based Empowerment in Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Elementary School Children in Kupang, Mado, Fransiskus Geroda, Jafar Nurhaedar, Muis Masyta, Maria Ida Leida, Syafar Muhammad,, Arifin Muhammad Alwi, Mallongi Anwar, Sudargo Toto, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.428-434, (2023) PDF icon PDF (203.26 KB)
The Effect of Jelly Candy Snake Fruit and Banana With Ferrous Fumarat Fortified using Nano Technology in Adolescent Female at Junior High School, Megawati, Meti, Sudargo Toto, and Susetyowati And , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1150-1155, (2023) PDF icon PDF (185.63 KB)
The Effect of Moringa Leaf Extract Intervention Since Preconception Period on the Prevention of Oxidative Stress in Pregnant Women and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes, , Hadju Veni, A. Arsin Arsunan, Syam Aminuddin, Mallongi Anwar, Lewa Abd. Farid, Harun Haerani, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.310-314, (2023) PDF icon PDF (157.27 KB)
Effect of Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA) and 6-Benzylamino Purine (BAP) on In-Vitro Propagation of "Mashua" (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz & Pavón) Morphotypes from Peru, Peña-Rojas, Gilmar, Quispe-Calle Luz, Andía-Ayme Vidalina, Pereda-Medina Alex, Jimenez Rolando Estrada-, Pari-Olarte Josefa Bertha, Melgar-Merino Elizabeth Julia, Almeida-Galindo José Santiago, and Herrera-Calderon Oscar , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.563-568, (2023) PDF icon PDF (2.84 MB)
The Effect of Preconcenption Moringa Leaf Extract Supplementation on Cotinine Serum Levels in Pregnant Women Exposed to Tobacco Smoke, Harun, Haerani, Daud Anwar, Amiruddin Ridwan, Sabir M, Hadju Veni, Mallongi Anwar,,, Talebe Tamrin, and Faris M. , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.290-293, (2023) PDF icon PDF (152.51 KB)
The Effect of Ramania Leaves Extract Gel (Bouea macrophylla Griff) on the Number of Osteoblast (in vivo Study of Post Extraction in Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus)), Taufiqurrahman, Irham, Gupita Siti Hajar Norm, Oktiani Beta Widya, Erlita Isyana, Zulkifli Andi, Hadju Veni, Mallongi Anwar, and Suhartono Eko , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6s, p.1219-1223, (2023) PDF icon PDF (543.42 KB)
The Effect of Safety Climate on Safety Behavior with Safety Motivation as An Intervening Variable on Contractor Workers in PT X, Tandiabang, Darius, Russeng Syamsiar S., Saleh Lalu Muhammad, Wahyu Atjo, Thamrin Yahya, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.411-416, (2023) PDF icon PDF (202.62 KB)
The Effect of Sapodilla Leaf Extract (Manilkara zapota L.) on Lipid Profiles of Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice, Solikhah, Tridiganita Intan, Wijaya Tania Anggreani,, Pavita Daffa Alice, Miftakhurrozaq Ragil Kusnandar, Raharjo Hartanto Mulyo, Yunita Maya Nurwartant, and Fikri Faisal , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.286-289, (2023) PDF icon PDF (219.57 KB)
The Effect of Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction Toward Patient Loyalty in Special Regional Hospitals of South Sulawesi, Arman, Rara Armita, Pasinringi Syahrir A., Rivai Fridawaty, Sidin Andi Indahwaty,, Saleh Lalu Muhammad, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.443-449, (2023) PDF icon PDF (236.14 KB)
The Effectiveness of SI-DINI Mobile App (an Education and Early Detection of Leprosy App) on Changes in Community Behavior, Lapui, Maspa,, Maria Ida Leida, A Arsin Arsunan, Thaha Ridwan M., Manyullei Syamsuar, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.868-872, (2023) PDF icon PDF (282.33 KB)
The Effectiveness of SI-DINI Mobile App (an Education and Early Detection of Leprosy App) on Changes in Community Behavior, Lapui, Maspa,, Maria Ida Leida, A Arsin Arsunan, Thaha Ridwan M., Manyullei Syamsuar, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.868-872, (2023) PDF icon PDF (282.33 KB)
The Effectiveness of SI-DINI Mobile App (an Education and Early Detection of Leprosy App) on Changes in Community Behavior, Lapui, Maspa,, Maria Ida Leida, A Arsin Arsunan, Thaha Ridwan M., Manyullei Syamsuar, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.868-872, (2023) PDF icon PDF (282.33 KB)
Effectiveness of the Aedes aegypti Mosquito Vector Control Program in Southeast Asia – A Systematic Review, , Mas’ulun Miranda Jemyma, Ramadhany Anggita Kanza, Hanafie Afiel Nadhifa, Alfiani Rani Fitri, Husnah Sarah Evita, Puteri Agnes Ilene Supr, and Mahestari Anisa Novia , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.969-975, (2023) PDF icon PDF (220.52 KB)
Effectiveness of the Aedes aegypti Mosquito Vector Control Program in Southeast Asia – A Systematic Review, , Mas’ulun Miranda Jemyma, Ramadhany Anggita Kanza, Hanafie Afiel Nadhifa, Alfiani Rani Fitri, Husnah Sarah Evita, Puteri Agnes Ilene Supr, and Mahestari Anisa Novia , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.969-975, (2023) PDF icon PDF (220.52 KB)
The Effectiveness of the Si-DBD Application in Increasing the Number of Households in Conducting Periodic Larvae Examination at the Health Center in Bantaeng Regency, Firdaus, Muhammad, Maria Ida Leida,, Zulkifli Andi, Jafar Nurhaedar, Riskiyani Shanti, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.569-574, (2023) PDF icon PDF (207.87 KB)
The Effectiveness of the Si-DBD Application in Increasing the Number of Households in Conducting Periodic Larvae Examination at the Health Center in Bantaeng Regency, Firdaus, Muhammad, Maria Ida Leida,, Zulkifli Andi, Jafar Nurhaedar, Riskiyani Shanti, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.569-574, (2023) PDF icon PDF (207.87 KB)
Ethanolic Extract of Propolis from Tetragonula laeviceps: Selective Cytotoxicity for MCF-7 Breast Cancer cells, Masadah, Rina, Ekawardhani Savira, Putra Ramadani Eka, Ikram Dzul, and Faruk Muhammad , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1177-1180, (2023) PDF icon PDF (364.34 KB)
Evaluation of Antidiarrheal, Antispasmodic, and Antisecretory Activities of Extract and Fractions of Castanopsis costata Leaves in Animal Models, Alkandahri, Maulana Yusuf, Sholih Mally Ghinan, Fadilah Nitya Nurul, Arfania Maya, Amal Surya, Frianto Dedy, Mardiana Lina Aliyani, Astuti Diany, and Hasyim Dadang Muhammad , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2023, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.31-37, (2023) PDF icon PDF (362.84 KB)
Evaluation of Electronic Medical Record System in Outpatient Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar Central General Hospital in 2022, Usman, Asriani,, Noor Noer Bahry, Maidin Alimin, Rivai Fridawaty,, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.423-427, (2023) PDF icon PDF (272.1 KB)
Evaluation of Electronic Medical Record System in Outpatient Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar Central General Hospital in 2022, Usman, Asriani,, Noor Noer Bahry, Maidin Alimin, Rivai Fridawaty,, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3, p.423-427, (2023) PDF icon PDF (272.1 KB)
Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Implementing National Health Insurance (JKN) on Hospitals at RSUD Tenriawaru Kab. bone, , Palutturi Sukri,, Syafar Muh.,,, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1156-1162, (2023) PDF icon PDF (241.46 KB)
Extract of Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) Leaves Inhibits the Expression of PEPCK and G6Pase in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats, Andrestian, Meilla Dwi, Damanik Rizal, Anwar Faisal, Yuliana Nancy Dewi, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1116-1120, (2023) PDF icon PharmacognJ-15-6-1116.pdf (230.08 KB)
Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Diarrhea in Infants Aged 7-12 Months in Puskesmas Alak Kupang City, Tira, Deviarbi Sakke, Buifena Sonyalin, Purnawan Sigit, Wahyuni Maria Magdalena, Marni Marni, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1024-1028, (2023) PDF icon PDF (187.58 KB)
