Pharmacognostic Specifications, RP-HPLC Analysis of Chlorogenic Acid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Morus alba Linn. Leaves in Thailand,
Aiyarakanchanakun, Phimkun, Palanuvej Chanida, Ruangrungsi Nijsiri, and Phanumartwiwath Anuchit
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Irawan, Candra, Utami Andita, Styani Erna, Putri Imalia Dwi, Putri Ratna Komala, Dewanta Avisani, and Ramadhanti Annisa
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Rumidatul, Alfi, Rahmawati Noor, and Sunarya Sopandi
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Rumidatul, Alfi, Rahmawati Noor, and Sunarya Sopandi
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Vakkalagadda, Ravi Kumar, Ravula Parameshwar, Parameshwar Kondapuram, Saraswathi Kaspa, Sindhuri P, Srikala Rajala, and Sandeep Kosika
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Diliarosta, Skunda,, Efendi Annisa, Dillasamola Dwisari, Oktomalioputri Biomechy, and Ramadhani Rehani
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, Ibrahim Arsyik, Rahayu Bakti Puji, Arifuddin M, Nur Yuspian, Prabowo Wisnu Cahyo,, Ambarwati Neneng Siti Silfi, Rijai Laode, and Ahmad Islamudin
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Dillasamola, Dwisari, Aldi Yufri, Wahyuni Fatma Sri, Rita Rauza Sukma,, Umar Salman, and Rivai Harrizul
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Dillasamola, Dwisari, Aldi Yufri, Wahyuni Fatma Sri, Rita Rauza Sukma,, Umar Salman, and Rivai Harrizul
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Ameliorative Effect of the Oral Administration of Chuquiraga spinosa in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer Induced with 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA),
Arroyo-Acevedo, Jorge Luis, Herrera-Calderon Oscar, Tinco-Jayo Johnny Aldo, Rojas-Armas Juan Pedro, Rauf Abdur, Hañari-Quispe Renán, Figueroa-Salvador Linder, Fernández-Guzmán Victor, and Yuli-Posadas Ricardo Ángel
, Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.562-568 , (2020)
PDF (1.25 MB) Ameliorative Effect of the Oral Administration of Chuquiraga spinosa in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer Induced with 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA),
Arroyo-Acevedo, Jorge Luis, Herrera-Calderon Oscar, Tinco-Jayo Johnny Aldo, Rojas-Armas Juan Pedro, Rauf Abdur, Hañari-Quispe Renán, Figueroa-Salvador Linder, Fernández-Guzmán Victor, and Yuli-Posadas Ricardo Ángel
, Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2020, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.562-568 , (2020)
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P Kumar, Praveen, Prabhu K, Rao Mudiganti Ram Krishn, Jain Mallika, Kalaivani K, Dinakar Shruthi, Shil Sampad, and Vijayalakshmi N
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Djamil, Ratna, Rahmat Deni, Zaidan Sarah, and latifah Maya Nur
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Ridhasya, Fania El, Rahim Novia, Almurdani Muhammad, Hendra Rudi, and Teruna Hilwan Yuda
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Ridhasya, Fania El, Rahim Novia, Almurdani Muhammad, Hendra Rudi, and Teruna Hilwan Yuda
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Eff, Aprilita Rina Yanti, Hurit Hermanus Ehe, Rahayu Sri Teguh, Januarko Muhammad Unggul, and WM Putu Gita Maya
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Ismail, Azlini, Rahim Erlena Nor Asmira, Omar Muhammad Nor, and Ahmad Wan Amir Nizam
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