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Role of Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal. Henry extract on high fat diet induced hypercholesterolemia, ,,,, and Varma JN. Ravi , Pharmacognosy journal, 8th April 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.108-116, (2014)
Rapid and high yield Extraction method for Saponins from Safed Musli, Deore, Sharada Laxman, Baviskar Bhushan Arun, and Rangari Ashwini Suresh , Pharmacognosy Journal, 16th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.210-214, (2015)
Rapid and high yield Extraction method for Saponins from Safed musli, Deore, Sharada Laxman, Baviskar Bhushan Arun, and Rangari Ashwini Suresh , Pharmacognosy Journal, Jul-Aug 2015, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.210-214, (2015) PDF icon PDF (485.83 KB)
Rasayana Herbs of Ayurveda to Treat age Related Cognitive Decline: An Update, Kulkarni, Reena, Shetty Suhas Kumar, M Rajarajeshwari N., Rao Prasanna Narasimha, and J Nayan , Pharmacognosy Journal, Oct 2016, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.411-423, (2016) PDF icon PDF (2.08 MB)
Revelation of β-sitosterol from Benincasa hispida Seeds, Carissa congesta Roots and Polyalthia longifolia Leaves by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Doshi, Gaurav Mahesh, Chaskar Pratip Kashinath, and Une Hemant Devidas , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2016, Volume 8, Issue 6, p.610-613, (2016) PDF icon PDF (314.28 KB)
A Review of Literature on Punarnavadi Mandura: An Ayurvedic Herbo-Mineral Preparation, Samal, Janmejaya, and Dehury Ranjit Kumar , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2016, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.180-184, (2016) PDF icon PDF (625.35 KB)
Review of the phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Euphorbia hirta Linn., Kausar, Juveriyah, Muthumani Durai, Hedina Agaath,, and Anand Vijaya , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.310-313, (2016) PDF icon PDF (217.52 KB)
Role of Plant Based Lectins in Identifying Rare Bombay Blood Group, Rudrappan, Raj Bharath, and Veeran Krishnan , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.70-71, (2016) PDF icon PDF (196.29 KB)
RETRACTED: Antioxidant and Anti-Hypercholesterolemic Potential of Vitis vinifera Leaves, Devi, Sushma, and Singh Randhir , Pharmacognosy Journal, (2017) PDF icon PDF (1.98 MB)
A Review of Pharmacognostical Studies on Moringa oleifera Lam. flowers, Kalappurayil, Tom Mathew, and Joseph Benny Pulinilkku , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.1-7, (2017) PDF icon PDF (261.29 KB)
Renin and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition of Standardized Bioactive Fractions of Hyphaene thebaica L. Mart Growing in Egypt, Khalil, Noha A., Motaal Amira Abdel, Meselhy Khaled, and khalek Soad M. Abdel , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.622-627, (2018) PDF icon PDF (542.29 KB)
Repairing Effects of Aqueous Extract of Kalanchoe pinnata (Lmk) Pers. on Lupus Nephritis Mice, Indriyanti, Niken, Garmana Afrillia Nuryanti, and Setiawan Finna , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.548-552, (2018) PDF icon PDF (695.18 KB)
Review on Ethnomedical Uses, Pharmacological Activity and Phytochemical Constituents of Samanea Saman(jacq.) Merr. Rain Tree, Vinodhini, Shanmugam, and V Devi Rajeswari , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.202-209, (2018) PDF icon PDF (949.92 KB)
A Review on Himalayan Pine Species: Ethnopharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects, Sharma, Aditi, Sharma Lalit, and Goyal Rohit , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.611-619, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.48 MB)
A Review on Phytochemical and Pharmacological Potential of Alpinia galanga, Chouni, Anirban, and Paul Santanu , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.09-15, (2018) PDF icon PDF (793.06 KB)
A Review on Phytopharmacopial Potential of Epilobium angustifolium, Kadam, Prasad, Patil Manohar, and Yadav Kavita , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1076-1078, (2018) PDF icon PDF (240.9 KB)
Role of Catecholamine Pathways in Action of Orexin B Induced Open Field Activity by Nucleus Accumbens in Wistar Rats, Shiva, Rashmi Kaup, Bolumbu Ganaraja, and Mayannavar Santosh , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.628-632, (2018) PDF icon PDF (469.03 KB)
The Role of Pomelo Peel Extract for Experimentally Induced Wound in Diabetic Rats, Ahmad, Asser Ashraf, Khalifa Ihab Ibrahim Al, and Abudayeh Zead Helmi , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.885-891, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Rationale for Manufacturing of Cut-Pressed Granules from Herbal Raw Material Rich in Essential Oil: An Example of Chamomile Flowers and Sweet Flag Rhizome, Trifonova, Olga, Evdokimova Olga, Prokofieva Vera, and Matyushin Alexey , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.1285-1289, (2019) PDF icon PDF (483.21 KB)
Reduction of Colchicine Content from Radix Gloriosae Superbae Preparata, Tandhavadhana, Sasithorn, and Picheansoonthon Chayan , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2, p.310-314, (2019) PDF icon PDF (750.57 KB)
Reversible Hepatotoxicity of Cassytha filiformis Extract: Experimental Study on Liver Function and Propofol-Induced Sleep in Mice, Yuliandra, Yori, Armenia Armenia, Arief Rahmad, Jannah Mifta Hul, and Arifin Helmi , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2019) PDF icon PDF (595.36 KB)
Review on Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Genus Anthemis, Boukhary, Rima, Aboul-Ela Maha, and El-Lakany Abdalla , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2019, Volume 11, Issue 5, p.1155-1166, (2019) PDF icon PDF (2.52 MB)
A Review on Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jacks, Sinha, Dwaipayan , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4, p.624-631, (2019) PDF icon PDF (2.45 MB)
Recent Scenario of Impact of Xenobiotics on Marine Fish: An Overview, S, Jagadeep Chandra, GL Chandana, Kote Naganagouda V., and SP Sharath Chandra , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1797-1800, (2020) PDF icon PDF (516.11 KB)
Representatives of the Genus Goryanka (Epimedium L) – a Promising Source of Raw Materials for the Creation of Medicines for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in Men, Dmitrievna, Bukinich Darya, VG Salova, EB Odintsova, OV Rastopchina, NL Solovyovа, AM Kozlova, jun) Krasniuk I. I.(,, and M Kozlova Zh , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1710-1715, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.89 MB)
