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Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Berberis aristata DC. and Berberis thomsoniana C.K. Schneid. from Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal, Bhatt, Lok Ranjan, Wagle Bina, Adhikari Minu, Bhusal Santoshi, Giri Anjana, and Bhattarai Shandesh , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s167-s171, (2018) PDF icon PDF (395.96 KB)
Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Content and Total Flavonoid Content of Water and Methanol Extracts of Phyllanthus species from Malaysia, Zain, Siti Nur Dalila, and Omar Wan Adnan Wan , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.677-681, (2018) PDF icon PDF (290.6 KB)
Antioxidant and Anti-Collagenase Activity of Sargassum Plagyophyllum Extract as an Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetic Ingredient, Riani, Mansauda Karlah Lif, Anwar Effionora, and Nurhayati Tati , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.932-936, (2018) PDF icon PDF (601.35 KB)
Antioxidant and Antidiabetes Capacity of Hexane, Ethylacetate and Ethanol Extracts of Durio zibethinus Murr. Root, Evary, Yayu Mulsiani, and Nur Amir Muhammad , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.937-940, (2018) PDF icon PDF (440.5 KB)
Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Galing Stem Extract (Cayratia trifolia Domin), Yusuf, Muhammad Ilyas,, Susanty Sri,, and Fawwaz Muammar , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.686-690, (2018) PDF icon PDF (411.78 KB)
Antioxidant Capacity and Cytotoxicity of the Aqueous Extract of Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) DC, Bernardes, Regiane Sablina Al, Sarrazin Sandra Layse Ferr, Santos Flaviana Alves dos, Rêgo Moacyr Jesus Barr, Pitta Maira Galdino da, Cordeiro Marina Ferraz, de Almeida Patrícia Danielle O., de Oliveira Ricardo Bezerra, Bouillet Leoneide Érica Mad, Maia José Guilherme, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s135-s140, (2018) PDF icon PDF (573.63 KB)
Antioxidant Potential and Ionomic Analysis of Two Buckwheat Species from Kashmir Region, Pirzadah, Tanveer Bilal, Malik Bisma, Tahir Inayatullah, and Rehman Reiaz Ul , Pharmacognosy Journal, x, Volume 10, Issue 2s, p.XX-XX, (2018)
Antioxidant Potential and Ionomic Analysis of Two Buckwheat Species from Kashmir Region, Pirzadah, Tanveer Bilal, Malik Bisma, Tahir Inayatullah, and Rehman Reiaz Ul , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s83-s88, (2018) PDF icon PDF (966 KB)
Antioxidant Role of Beta Carotene: Protection against Cadmium Induced Testicular Toxicity, Kini, Rekha Durgadas, Kumar Nayanatara Arun, Noojibail Anupama, K Bhagyalakhshmi, Bhoja Sneha Shetty, and Chatterjee Pratik Kumar , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s66-s70, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.06 MB)
Antioxidative Properties of Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig Stem Bark Extract and Inhibitory Effects on Carbohydrate Hydrolyzing Enzymes Associated with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, Ojo, Oluwafemi Adeleke, Ajiboye Basiru Olaitan, Imiere Oluwatosin Debbie, Adeyonu Oluwatosin, Olayide Israel, and Fadaka Adewale , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.376-383, (2018) PDF icon PDF (916.56 KB)
Anti-Proliferative Properties of Terminalia sericea Burch. Ex Dc Leaf Extracts Against Caco2 and HeLa Cancer Cell Lines, Gu, BiYun, Shalom Joseph, and Cock Ian E. , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.408-415, (2018) PDF icon PDF (842.88 KB)
Antiradical and Lipid Peroxidation Inhibitory Activity of Ripe and Unripe Fruit of Rubus steudneri Schweinf. (Rosaceae), H.L, Raghavendra, and T.R Prashith Kekuda , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.818-822, (2018) PDF icon PDF (822.36 KB)
Anti-Staphylococcal and Antioxidant Properties of Crude Ethanolic Extracts of Macrofungi Collected from the Philippines, Gaylan, Christine May, Estebal John Carlo, Tantengco Ourlad Alzeus G., and Ragragio Elena M. , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.106-109, (2018) PDF icon PDF (483.76 KB)
Antithrombotic Effect of Kaempferia galanga L. and Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. on Collagen-epinephrine Induced Thromboembolism In Mice, Saputri, Fadlina Chany, and Avatara Chavella , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1149-1153, (2018) PDF icon PDF (417.01 KB)
Antiurolithiatic Activity of Daucus carota: An In vitro Study, Bawari, Sweta, Sah Archana Negi, and Tewari Devesh , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.880-884, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Arginase Inhibitory Activity and Total Flavonoid Content on Caesalpinia ferrea C. Mart Stem Bark Extracts, Indriani, Devi, Elya Berna, and Noviani Arikadia , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1180-1183, (2018) PDF icon PDF (285.96 KB)
Arginase Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activities of Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. Bark Extract, Wulansari, Arini, Elya Berna, and Noviani Arikadia , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1174-1179, (2018) PDF icon PDF (508.91 KB)
Arginase Inhibitory, Antioxidant Activity and Pharmacognosy Study of Sterculia macrophylla Vent. Leaves, Prastiwi, Rini, Elya Berna, Sauriasari Rani, Hanafi Muhammad, and Desmiaty Yesi , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6, p.1109-1113, (2018) PDF icon PDF (2.49 MB)
Assessment of Anti-Protease Property of Nutmeg in Causing Delayed Disintegration of Platelet Rich Fibrin – an in vitro Study, Arunachalam, Darshanaa, Varghese Sheeja, and Thangavelu Lakshmi , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.672-676, (2018) PDF icon PDF (286.69 KB)
Attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Virulence by Some Indonesian Medicinal Plants Ethanolic Extract, Pratiwi, Sylvia Utami Tunj, and Handayani Titik Tri , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.983-987, (2018) PDF icon PDF (556.41 KB)
ACE Inhibitory Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) Extract, Yaricsha, Catty Amalia,, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.249-251, (2017) PDF icon PDF (197.51 KB)
ACE Inhibitory Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Pereskia saccharose Griseb. Leaves Extract, Lusiyanti, Sarlina Jihan,,, Puspitasari Nuraini, and Mahayasih Putu Gita Maya , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.285-287, (2017) PDF icon PDF (242.64 KB)
Active Constituents of Pomegranates (Punica granatum) as Potential Candidates in the Management of Health through Modulation of Biological Activities, Rahmani, Arshad Husain, Alsahli Mohamed Ali, and Almatroodi Saleh Abdulrahma , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2017, Volume 9, Issue 5, p.689-695, (2017) PDF icon PDF (330.84 KB)
Acute and Sub-acute Toxicities of Thai Silkworm Powder (Bombyx mori Linn.) From Three Races in Male Wistar Rats and In vitro Antioxidant Activities, Rattana, Surapong, Katisart Teeraporn, Sungthong Bunleu, and Butiman Chirapha , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.541-545, (2017) PDF icon PDF (297.05 KB)
Alkaloid from Phoebe declinata Nees Leaves, Elya, Berna, Katrin Basah, Forestrania Roshamur Cahyan, Sofyan Rosmalena, and Chandra Ryan Adi , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6, p.713-720, (2017) PDF icon PDF (5.43 MB)
