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Interpolation Pedicle Flap Technique in Wound Defect with Tibial Bone Exposed: A Case Report, , Islam Andi Asadul, and Sakti Muhammad , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6s, p.1268-1271, (2023) PDF icon PDF (653.26 KB)
Pharmacognostical studies on stem bark of Canarium strictum Roxb, , and Senthamarai R. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 18th Feb,2014, Volume 6, Issue 1, p.12-18, (2014)
Assessment of anti hyperglycemic fractions isolated from Albizia procera stem bark chloroform extract using STZ induced diabetic albino rats, ,, and K Prasad , Pharmacognosy journal, 8th April 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.29-35, (2014)
Application-based Reproductive Health Education on Reproductive Health Risk Behavior among Adolescents in Ternate City, , Amiruddin Ridwan, Moedjiono Apik Indarty,, Damanik Rizal, Salmah Ummu, Nasir Sudirman, Areni Intan Sari, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2024, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.942-948, (2024) PDF icon PDF (354.23 KB)
The Mediating Role of Perceived Value on the Relationship between Quality Assurance and Student Satisfaction in Nursing Education, ,, Dharma Kelana Kusuma, Mallongi Anwar, Palutturi Sukri, Sajidah Ainun, Utami Naning Kisworo, Rizani Khairir, Fauzan Reza, Nugroho Heru Santoso Wa, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.1121-1125, (2023) PDF icon PDF (282.46 KB)
The Potency of Cinnamon Bark Oil (Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume) from 5 Regions in Indonesia as Anti- Inflammatory, , Nurcholida Rosy Dwi, Primaharinastiti Riesta, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.154-164, (2022)
Phytochemical Screening, Antibacterial Activity and Fatty Acids from Heliotropium Indicum, , and Tolulope Olajumoke , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.350-352, (2023) PDF icon PDF (347.07 KB)
Portulaca oleracea extract increases lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase and paraoxonase 1 activities and enhances reverse cholesterol transport in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat, ,, and Saadia Berzou , Pharmacognosy journal, 8th April 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.1-9, (2014)
Study of the Making of Hydrolizate Protein Powder of Rebon Shrimp as a Food Nutrition Enhancement Ingredient, ,,, and Hidayat Taufik , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1180-1185, (2021) PDF icon PDF (223.1 KB)
Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of roots extracts from Actinidia arguta ( Zucc.) Planch, ,, and Zhang Hai-Feng , Pharmacognosy Journal, 18th Feb,2014, Volume 6, Issue 2, p.80-86, (2014)
The Impact of Sub Acute Administration of Purified Gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) to The Liver and Kidney Functions and its Reversibility on Rats, , Permatasari Dita, Sinamar Lathifah Putri, Estera Keke, and Ahmadin Almahdy , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.44-51, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.03 MB)
Immunostimulant Activity of Pegagan Embun Herbs Extract (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.) With Carbon Clearance Method Towards Male White Mice, , Fitri Afdhila, Husni Elidahanum, Badriyya Elsa, and Aldi Yufri , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1472-1477, (2021) PDF icon PDF (847.78 KB)
Pharmacognostic Investigation of Cynodon dactylon Pers Roots, , and Namdeo Ajay G. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 18th Feb,2014, Volume 6, Issue 1, p.01-06, (2014)
Analysis of Knowledge and Skills of Cadres in Early Detection of Stunting Toddler Development in Soppeng Regency, Indonesia, , Salmah Andi Ummu,, Moedjiono Apik Indarty, Hidayanty Healthy,, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2023, Volume 15, Issue 5, p.833-838, (2023) PDF icon PDF (219.63 KB)
Analysis of the Implementation of the Use of Hospital Management Information Systems (Simrs) in Hospitals Kindergarten IV Dr Sumantri Parepare, , Arifin Muhammad Alwy, Palutturi Sukri,, Thamrin Yahya, and Leida Ida , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2024, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.888-894, (2024) PDF icon PDF (193.49 KB)
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cinnamon Bark Oil (Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume from Lombok Timur Indonesia, , Nurcholida Rosy Dwi, Primaharinastiti Riesta, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.1005-1013, (2021) PDF icon PDF (4.75 MB)
Health Action Process Approach in Non-Communicable Diseases: A Systematic Review, , Abdullah Andi Zulkifli, Syafar Muh., and Sidin Indahwaty , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2024, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.966-974, (2024) PDF icon PDF (644.35 KB)
Cytotoxic Effects of Kirinyuh Herb (Austroeupatorium inulaefolium (Kunth) R. d. King & H. Robinson) Extracts and Fractions on BSLT, MCF-7 Cells and T-47D Cells, , Soemardji Andreanus Andaja, and Tan Marselina Irasonia , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2022, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.374-378, (2022) PDF icon PDF (490.94 KB)
The Effect of Curcumin and Virgin Coconut Oil Towards Cytokines Levels in COVID-19 Patients at Universitas Sebelas Maret Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia, , Suryawati B, Sari Y, Avicena A,, Sukmagautama C, Apriningsih H, Shofiyah L, Novika RGH, Wahidah NJ, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.216-225, (2022) PDF icon PDF (771.45 KB)
Complete Blood Profile after administration of Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. extract in capsule form, , Fauzan Adrul, Umar Salman, and Aldi Yufri , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.375-383, (2023) PDF icon PDF (880 KB)
Pharmacognostic Profile of Simplicia and Ethanolic Leaves Extract from Indonesian Piper betle var. nigra, , Prasetya Fajar, Salam Supriatno, Rijai Hifdzur Rashif, Kuncoro Hadi, Rusli Rolan, Rahmadani Agung, Tamhid Hady Anshory,, Harjunowibowo Dewanto, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.610-618, (2022) PDF icon PDF (738.15 KB)
Diversification, Organoleptic and Chemical Quality Characteristics of Processed Products Based on Thorn Fish (Hexanematichthys sagor) Smoke, ,, Ekwarso Hendro, Dini Isna Rahma, Paramita Ranika,, and Hidayat Taufik , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2024, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.606-609, (2024) PDF icon PDF (158.79 KB)
Study of Molecular Docking of Vitexin in Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) Leaves Extract on Glibenclamide-CYP3A4 Interaction, , Harahap Yahdiana, Elya Berna, and Bahtiar Anton , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1471-1476, (2019) PDF icon PDF (1.21 MB)
Amelioration of Cisplatin-Induced Kidney Injury by Pometia pinnata, , Syahputra RA, Lie Sukirman, Nugraha SE, and Situmorang PC , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1257-1268, (2021) PDF icon PDF (477.76 KB)
Ethnobotanical survey and phyto-anatomical studies of some common plants used for the treatment of epilepsy in some rural areas of South west Nigeria, ,, and F. Fashina. Olatunde. , Pharmacognosy Journal, 18th Feb,2014, Volume 6, Issue 2, p.96-102, (2014)


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